Almost every parent who wishes his child a successful future knows the importance of early development. The development of a child from birth is a very important part of his future life path. Having given the baby to the development center, it is important to remember that independent training and education by parents is also necessary.

With the birth of a child, young parents begin to make plans for his future. They dream of raising a baby as an intelligent, purposeful, independent person. Many mothers and fathers, almost from the first days of the child, think about how to develop and teach him. Other adults, on the contrary, let the education and development of their baby take their course, believing that this is the concern of teachers in kindergarten and school.
Despite different opinions, experts argue that the human brain absorbs information most of all at the age from birth to six years.
Early development is not just about learning to read and write. It involves teaching the child the skills and knowledge that will later become necessary for him.
Today there are a large number of children's centers for toddlers. Each of them works according to certain methods. The most popular are the following: the methods of Montessori and Doman, Waldorf pedagogy, the games of the Nikitins and the techniques of Zaitsev. Each of the proposed techniques has its own pros and cons. A great option would be to combine all the techniques with each other. Then the positive effect of each method will only increase.
Studios for young children offer group, individual or mother + child classes. Knowing the characteristics of their baby, parents can decide for themselves what type of education will be most acceptable for their child.
As a rule, in early development schools, group lessons divide babies into age groups: from birth to six months, from 5 to 10 months, from 10 months to 1.5 years, from 1 to 3 years. Waldorf kindergartens are an exception. Kids from three to six years old are engaged there. The groups of children are mixed.
Before making a choice in favor of one or another center of early development, you must remember that it should be close to home. Otherwise, a small child will get tired of the road. It is important to choose the time of classes so that the baby does not want to sleep and is not hungry. Children are most active in the morning. Therefore, it is better to conduct classes during this period. For babies under two years of age, the duration of the session should not exceed 40 minutes. Children are recommended to visit such an institution no more than twice a week. Parents should make sure that the teacher uses various physical education minutes, finger gymnastics.
Baby development facilities have a number of advantages. These centers use educational material intended for children of a certain age. Not all parents can purchase it as it is expensive. Early development studios bring up independence in the child, teach communication with peers. Kids overcome the first conflicts and quarrels, learn to think logically, develop memory, attention, and creativity.
Despite the many advantages of such establishments, they also have some disadvantages. As a rule, developmental institutions are quite expensive. It is not always possible to find such centers close to home. The trip can be tiresome for the child. Due to the fact that babies have weak immunity, they are exposed to frequent illnesses, communicating with other children.
Parents should remember that the responsibility for the development and upbringing of babies lies entirely on their shoulders. It is not enough to enroll a child in a developmental circle or studio. These activities are not able to replace the child's communication with dad and mom. For a small child, reading fairy tales by mom, playing together with dad and walking with grandmother can be of great benefit, rather than classes in development centers that are not supported by parental attention.