The art of seduction allows women to feel their power over men, get them to show interest, attract attention and hint about the possible continuation of their acquaintance. It is difficult to master this science, but, with a certain diligence, it is quite possible.

Step 1
Watch yourself. A woman should be well-groomed - men are attracted by a good figure, flawless skin, pleasant smell, beautiful hair, etc. A good manicure and pedicure, thoughtful makeup, sexy clothes that make you look natural and comfortable - everything should be perfect. Only such a woman can begin to master the art of seduction, which is directly related to appearance. When choosing clothes, reveal the sexiest parts of the body - legs, chest, neck, arms.
Step 2
Control your speech. Abusive and abusive words should not fly off your lips, you should not be rude and harsh. Try to give your voice a mysterious depth, choose your expressions carefully, speak competently and correctly.
Step 3
Master basic seduction techniques. Movement of arms, legs, turning the head, “shooting” with the eyes are the main feminine techniques that help attract the attention of a man. Lightly touch your hair, as if straightening your hair, throw a naughty strand over your shoulder, raise your hands up in an elegant gesture. Tilt your head while listening to the other person's words. Learn to "twist" your hips - a sexy gait drives men crazy. Smile and laugh more often, but lightly, naturally and perky - while laughing, tilt your head back slightly, revealing the gentle curve of your neck.
Step 4
Learn to flirt. Flirting is based on a promising look. When talking with a man, practice this technique: first, abstractly look at an object behind the man's back, and then sharply move your gaze, looking directly into his eyes. To show your affection, you can wink and smile at your partner. Touch his body, as if by chance, but at the same time letting him know that it is pleasant for you. Flirting involves not only looks and touch - act according to the situation, giving the man hope for the continuation of the relationship, but leaving a place for secrecy. You should not open up to a man completely and immediately, you should be a mystery to him.
Step 5
Copy gestures. Sometimes it is useful to mirror your partner's gestures, words and facial expressions - this technique is good at the final stage of seduction, when you are sure that the man wants the same as you.