SMS is a convenient way to send your boyfriend some nice joke or something nice. This way of communicating is unlikely to be informative or productive, but it is ideal to cheer up or make a person laugh.

SMS and a sense of humor
When texting a guy, try not to overdo it. Some girls, having just discovered a similar way to amuse a young man, open search engines and send a continuous stream of all the funny SMS that they can find on the sites. Try not to do this. First, you don't know what his friends or ex-girlfriend have already sent this young man. Who knows, maybe they found the same sites and he received similar messages before. Secondly, if you overwhelm a guy with an avalanche of funny phrases, it may seem like overkill.
It is best to think for a few minutes and send something meaningful and funny for the two of you, he will certainly appreciate it. On sites dedicated to funny SMS, you can also find interesting ideas, but you should not copy them, it is better to slightly modify the proposed phrases.
Young people appreciate girls with a sense of humor, because they are not only able to make laugh and cheer up even in a difficult situation, but also know how to understand other people's jokes.
It is great to send funny and unusual text messages to your boyfriend from time to time, but sometimes it can practically save your relationship. For example, if you had a fight over a stupid reason, then a successful SMS that makes your boyfriend laugh can reduce the tension from the conflict to zero. A young man may sulk and not want to be the first to go to reconciliation, especially if he thinks that it is you who are wrong (you know who is right, but he may be wrong), but after a good joke on your part, they will have nothing left, how to take the first step towards reconciliation.
What are the funny SMS
Most of the fun messages are based on the tension between the beginning and the ending. For example, "Dear subscriber, you must pay off the debt of 1000 kisses as soon as possible!" or “Do you know where you'd better go with questions like this? Come to me right now! " It is important here that the positive part seriously outweighs the “negative” part, otherwise the effect may be the opposite.
You can send SMS as if you see what he is doing or read his mind: “Wow! I just thought about you too! "," So, don't look at that girl! " or something else like that.
There are special sites from which you can send funny SMS to the numbers you specify. Be careful, sometimes they write off money for such a service, and, moreover, quite serious ones.
If everything that you come up with does not seem witty - it's okay, it happens - you can still send your loved one something gentle and romantic, even if not very funny. After all, the purpose of funny SMS is not at all to show him your incredible sense of humor, but to please the guy and bring a happy smile to his face.
What sms is better not to send
Sometimes girls like to play a trick on young people by sending them messages about pregnancy, a wrecked car and other similar surprises that will make anyone nervous, not to mention the person who is not indifferent to you. This is a pretty cruel way to have fun, try not to stress your boyfriend like this. Sooner or later, he may try to answer you with an equally harsh joke.