How To Reschedule Labor

How To Reschedule Labor
How To Reschedule Labor

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The birth of a new life is a miracle and happiness. But everything is clouded by the fear of the expectant mother before childbirth, before unknown and seemingly unbearable torments. What to do in this case, how to transfer childbirth calmly?

How to reschedule labor
How to reschedule labor


Step 1

The most frightening thing is the unknown. So arm yourself with information. It is better to get it in courses preparing for childbirth. Psychological, physiological characteristics of pregnancy, stages and biomechanics of the birth process - you will learn about this from specialists, you will be able to ask questions, sort out all the nuances and ambiguities.

Step 2

Many are extremely frightened by birth pain. Yes, you can't do without it. But she is not your enemy, but a helper: the intensity of the pain shows which stage of labor you are going through. Increased contractions, for example, indicate that the baby is about to be born. Of course, there are methods to relieve pain. On the same courses, you will learn how to breathe correctly, relax, learn how to harmonize generic activity with the help of your voice. Silence or heart-rending screaming is harmful - it only interferes with the opening of the cervix and will lead to loss of strength. Tune in to the fact that you need to accept the pain, not waste energy fighting it.

Step 3

To calm down, choose a maternity hospital, visit it, learn about the conditions, about the approach to the management of childbirth. To make the situation familiar, you can go there several times. If possible, select in advance a doctor who will take delivery, ask him about everything that interests you, share your doubts, concerns.

Step 4

Tune in only to a successful birth, think positively. Stop scary stories about unthinkable torment, terrible conditions in maternity hospitals. You can't put a handkerchief on every mouth, be realistic, assess the situation objectively, and not based on idle chatter and rumors.

Step 5

Imagine the near future in all details: a beautiful, rosy-cheeked baby in your arms, feeding him, swaddling, lullabies over the bed. Really, it is worth a little patience for this to come true.
