Having decided to seek psychological help, be as responsible as possible in the choice of a specialist who will provide you with this help. The solution to the problem with which you go to a psychologist, your psychological comfort, your relationship with yourself and the world depend on the right choice.

Step 1
First, decide if you are ready for group work or if you are more attracted to individual therapy. The advantage of group work is to support people with similar problems, the ability to compare your own experience with the experience of other people and make sure it is non-unique, learning different styles of problem solving and interaction with the world around you. In addition, group work is often more cost effective.
Step 2
Individual work with a psychologist or psychotherapist is more suitable for pronounced introverts, people with a high degree of anxiety, withdrawn, distrustful (with the exception of special group trainings aimed at developing self-confidence), in addition, individual work involves a more detailed study of your personal situation. Choose a format for one-to-one meetings. If you do not have the opportunity to visit a psychologist in person, you should be aware that very few specialists are ready to work by correspondence due to the obviously low efficiency of this method of communicating with a client. Many have recently been using the format of Skype sessions or telephone consultations for remote work.
Step 3
Choose the direction of psychotherapy that suits you best. The choice today is quite rich, so it is better to rely on personal preferences - for example, if you are not in the mood for a long, at least a year, work, then psychoanalysis will not suit you. In addition, many psychotherapists now combine several methods in their work.
Step 4
Much depends on the personality of the psychologist, his qualifications, and practical experience. When choosing, the recommendations of friends will help you. However, keep in mind that their personal experiences do not match yours, which means that what suits them may not necessarily suit you. Pay attention to the education of the specialist. If this is a consultant psychologist, he must have a higher education in psychology. The psychotherapist receives, in addition to it, a medical or psychological education in the specialty of "clinical psychology", as well as specialization in a particular type of therapy. It is good if a specialist's diploma is issued by a well-known university, and not by a branch of an unknown non-state institution.
Step 5
Practical work experience is required, and the more it is, the better for you. Do not hesitate to ask whether the psychologist has undergone advanced training, whether he is a member of any international associations, whether the specialist has undergone personal therapy (this is a prerequisite for a practicing psychologist). If your psychologist is interested in clients, has sufficient qualifications and a high degree of responsibility, you will hear positive answers to these questions before you have time to ask them.
Step 6
Your personal impression means a lot. The first meeting with a psychologist is both indicative and not at the same time - many personal and professional qualities are revealed only in the process of work, however, if a person at first glance causes you distrust and rejection, it is better to look for another psychologist to whom you will feel more trust - so is yours working with him will be more effective.