The problem of pregnancy in recent years has become very relevant. This is due to many factors, but this is not about them. Many people turn to prayer for help, and pregnancy occurs.

Step 1
Prayer appeal - prayer is an appeal to God for help. In the orthodox tradition of Orthodoxy, it is customary to turn to God both directly and with an appeal to the saints. The saints do not help themselves, but it is believed that with their help your prayer can be heard faster by God. In addition, being much closer to God, the saints have a great opportunity to convey the prayer of the supplicant. Even the Gospel contains examples of how the prayers of pious spouses who have no children were heard. Ardent and sincere was the prayer offered by the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos: "Resolve the disease of my heart and show the barren fruitful one." This prayer was heard and fulfilled. The daughter born through this prayer became the mother of the Lord. Another example is the prayer of the parents of John the Baptist, Zechariah and Elizabeth, and in this case God announced his answer to them through an angel: "… Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard …" (Luke 1, 13-14). However, it must be remembered that in these examples, the parents asked their children not so much for themselves as in order to devote their lives to God, in particular, the Mother of the Mother of God said: "… We will give a born child as a gift to You."
Step 2
In order for prayer to be not a set of words that remains just words, it is necessary to know a few fundamental principles. Prayer should be fervent, that is, reflect not just your unconscious desire, but you should be aware of your desire and the possible consequences with which the fulfillment of this desire may be associated. Your desire should not be like the desire of a crying child who suddenly wanted a toy, but having received it, he suddenly lost all interest in it. If you are fully aware of your desire, then your firm faith should become the second condition. These words are confirmed by the gospel parable of the mustard seed. If you ask without having faith that what you asked for will be fulfilled, you become a child who, knowing that Santa Claus does not exist, expects a gift from him every year. In this case, the result in the form of the desired pregnancy is most likely not to be expected.
Step 3
What to do when pregnancy occurs. A person, receiving what he is asking, should always thank the one who fulfilled his request. The same principle applies to prayer requests. That is, having received what is requested, in your case pregnancy, the person should also prayerfully thank for the accomplished. If you did everything right, then all that remains is to congratulate you!