What To Do If A Friend Is Jealous

What To Do If A Friend Is Jealous
What To Do If A Friend Is Jealous

Envy is often irrational: for example, a married lady may be tormented by the thought that her divorced friend does not depend on her husband and can do whatever she wants without asking the man's opinion. However, whatever the reason, envy can destroy friendships, so it is better to start fighting it as early as possible.

What to do if a friend is jealous
What to do if a friend is jealous

Envy: identifying causes, eliminating consequences

First, you need to determine what exactly causes such unpleasant emotions in your friend, and then stop doing what annoys her. For example, if you notice that she grows gloomy as you talk about a great job or success in her personal life, refrain from boasting.

A friend can bring up such topics herself in order to find a reason to hurt you. It is better to avoid them, try to turn the conversation in another direction, or conduct the conversation calmly, without mentioning your achievements and successes.

Unfortunately, even a person's appearance can be irritating. If your friend is jealous, looking at your new dress, beautiful shoes, or her anger is caused by your figure, hair, skin condition, it will be more difficult to deal with this. Of course, you should not give up new things or stop caring for yourself. It is better to compliment your friend more often, noting the beauty of her eyes, a new haircut, an interesting choice of clothing combinations. It is important that compliments are sincere and emphasize the true dignity of a woman. For example, if you tell a girl with not-so-pretty hair that she has an amazing hairstyle, it might be taken as a mockery.

How to deal with female envy

If you are faced with strong black envy, when a person begins to dissuade you from useful endeavors, gossips behind your back, lets out stinging jokes at your expense, the best option would be to gradually increase the distance between you, then break off the relationship or reduce contact to a minimum.

Don't underestimate the power of envy. Do not share your plans with your friend, do not talk about success: there is a high risk that she will use this information against you.

If it's a close friend and you're sure you can handle the problem, have a little bachelorette party with a conversation about jealousy. It is important to discuss the reasons for this unpleasant feeling and together find ways to resolve the issue. But be careful: do not immediately tell your friend that you know about her envy. She will surely be very unpleasant to hear this, and a good conversation will not work. Better try to analyze her behavior yourself, find what causes this feeling in her soul, and then talk about this subject, person, phenomenon. The conversation should be light and relaxed: it is important that the friend understands that you do not judge her behavior and do not want to quarrel with her. You can find stories of solving problems with envious girlfriends on thematic forums.
