It is generally accepted that women and men are people from different planets. In fact, there is much more in common between them than it might seem at first glance - you just need to try to understand your partner of the opposite sex. Reaching an understanding with a man, if you are a woman, is not at all difficult - for this you need to want to create a harmonious relationship and follow some rules.

Step 1
Avoid controversy. There is no more senseless occupation than arguing with a man and convincing him that he is wrong, even if he is really wrong. Most men react painfully to situations in which a woman questions their male authority and leadership in the family. Therefore, your task is to help a man gain self-confidence, as well as the fact that you respect him and acknowledge his leadership and rightness.
Step 2
Don't bore the man with too many requests if they don't touch on something important. If you jerk a man over any trifle, do not be surprised that you cannot reach mutual understanding. Perform those actions yourself that do not require much effort, and ask the man to do difficult and time-consuming work - he will gladly agree to help you in what you are unable to do with your own hands.
Step 3
You need to not only respect the wisdom of a man, but also be a wise woman - be tactful, know what you can and cannot do, and also try to influence a man when he is in a very good mood or, on the contrary, requires your support. and help in difficult times. You should not demand anything from a hungry and tired man - first give him a rest and feed him dinner.
Step 4
Create an atmosphere of mutual trust in your family, but despite this, judge a man by his actions, not by his words. What he does says much more about his character than what he tells you about.
Step 5
Be feminine and attractive for a man - even when you ask him for something. Your requests should be veiled under the guise of flirting or coquetry. Communicate with a man affectionately, and he will reciprocate you.
Step 6
Accept your partner for who they really are. Do not set yourself the task of remaking it - no man will be happy if he finds out that they want to change him for his own convenience.
Step 7
Communicate with each other and learn about each other as much as possible - this will allow you to become closer and understand each other. From time to time, try to look at things from the perspective of a man, stand in his place, try to imagine yourself in his role in order to get closer to his way of thinking, and therefore achieve the best understanding. And finally, do not deceive a man - be extremely sincere with him so as not to break the trust created between you.