Sometimes the annoying admirer literally does not give the young lady a pass. Flowers, declarations of love, gifts - I liked all this only at first, and then turned into a real nightmare. How to make a man understand that he is not interesting without offending him?

Step 1
Stop encouraging his courtship, for example, accepting gifts out of courtesy. It doesn't matter if it's a car or a cute trinket. In this case, you are not obliged to explain your refusal, a rather mild “I can’t, sorry”.
Step 2
Don't shy away from your annoying boyfriend, he may think that you are luring him with this "old proven method." Better talk to him frankly. Prepare to say no. This is difficult, especially if the man is used to hearing a constant "yes" from you.
Step 3
Most likely, fear is behind your inability to refuse. Women are taught to be correct, kind, and men often shamelessly take advantage of this and take the usual courtesy for an invitation to intimacy. Your “no” in this case only means unwillingness to be used, so do not be afraid to stand up for yourself.
Step 4
At the same time, you should not be rude, especially in response to passionate confessions. No matter how unpleasant a person is to you, perhaps his feelings are the most sincere. Say that he is a real godsend for any girl, but you cannot reciprocate.
Step 5
Offer him friendship. This trick sometimes has a sobering effect on even the most notorious ladies' men. A man will definitely understand that in the erotic sense you are not interested, and he is not interested in being friends.
Step 6
Introduce him to a friend. Perhaps they were made for each other! Describe the man from the best side, it is not worth mentioning that you do not like him at all. Let a friend make her own opinion about him.
Step 7
Flirt with other men! Surrounding yourself with a crowd of gentlemen, you make it clear that you are free and have not yet opted for a specific candidate. This should act on your boyfriend like a tub of cold water, especially if he imagines himself to be your lover.
Step 8
Be firm in your decision not to communicate with an annoying man, do not try to lure him, even in jest. Perhaps he is just waiting for you to be left alone, and you will have nowhere to go from his courtship. Let him know for sure that he has no chance, then he will stop bothering you.