In most cases, people are interested in the question of how to get the attention of an ignoring person. But sometimes they have to think about the ability to ignore someone who is intrusive and arrogant. By the way, the question is not at all idle, because sometimes neither polite refusals, nor direct conversations, nor rude attempts to break off communication help. If you come to the conclusion that only lack of attention to a certain person will allow you to break off conflict relations with her, you need to act.

It is necessary
Most methods of ignoring an unpleasant person boil down to establishing distance - social, psychological, emotional, or geographic. Let's consider these options
Step 1
Start by creating emotional distance. Before taking any action, try to distract yourself, calm down. Learn to take a compulsive counselor or suitor in cold blood. This is the most difficult, but the most necessary type of distance. It helps especially well in a situation where you have to communicate with a person quite often. For example, if this is the mother-in-law in whose apartment you live, an annoying classmate, or an unbalanced colleague. Learn to perceive his "assaults" as if from the outside. Imagine that you are the director of a film where your abuser is the main character. If he begins to provoke and piss you off, think about the angle from which it would be good to remove the situation so that the emotions of the offender, offended, observers, etc. are visible.
Step 2
Try to establish psychological distance. The essence of psychological distance is the ability to separate understanding and acceptance. You can understand the strange wishes of a colleague, but not accept them as acceptable to yourself. You can understand with understanding the advice of an elderly relative, but you should not take them as instructions for action. Moreover, you will need time and patience to learn how to convey your position to a person. So you say: "I respect your point of view for this and that, but I will do it in my own way, because I believe that this is more correct for me personally."
Step 3
Use public pressure to influence the abuser. It is worth resorting to social distance if you cannot implement the first two options. For example, if a former spouse is a rowdy and drunkard dangerous to society, one has to use the pressure of society and the influence of official authorities to protect oneself from his actions. A softer option for building social distance is to change the circle of communication. Change your social circle to one that your abuser doesn't have access to. If you initially belong to different layers, make access to your circle impossible for him. A social circle is a kind of community into which it is difficult for outsiders to enter. This is not always good, but in your situation, society can close doors for the wrong person, making it easier for you to break up with a failed relationship.
Step 4
If all of the above measures do not help, set the geographic distance. This is a radical method of solving the problem and it is worth resorting to it as a last resort. For example, if a woman has been a victim of domestic violence, sometimes it is possible to pull her out of the family of her tyrant husband only by creating a geographic distance. The victim must literally disappear for a while, changing both addresses and phone numbers, so that her pursuer calms down and stops pursuing her. Physical distance from the abuser is not needed forever. Often half a year is enough for the passions to subside and you can return to your usual way of life.