Many couples are interested in the issue of harmonizing relations - both recently emerged and with a long family experience. Techniques for harmonizing relationships help to achieve complete harmony and compatibility.

Harmonization of relations between spouses
Harmonization of relations is the creation of a favorable family climate for both spouses. The guarantee of family harmony is the unity of three components: physical compatibility, spiritual closeness and spiritual kinship.
Many couples face family problems sooner or later. They only solve them all in different ways - through quarrels and scandals or through love and the desire to understand. The “foundation” built by themselves, based on love, helps spouses to solve problems and keep the family together.
It is love that is the main bonding component of the family. Falling in love, passion, attachment are just illusions that pass very quickly. True love manifests itself in the complete acceptance of the other person, with all his shortcomings and virtues. An example of true love is a mother's love for a child, even if he is far from an angel.
True love needs to be cultivated. Unfortunately, many families do not even have time to reach the stage of early love, scattering after the fading of the first vivid feelings. The enemies of love are claims and ingratitude. There is a simple rule of thumb - give more than you take. And you need to give feelings, time, attention, tenderness.
Another important point to learn if you want to harmonize relationships is family roles. The husband should be the captain of your family ship, the wife should be the person who provides coziness and comfort while sailing. If you take on someone else's role, your family ship is unlikely to sail far.
Relationship harmonization techniques
The Sphere technique helps if you are angry with your spouse or he annoys you. The purpose of this technique is to remove negative emotions and tune in to positive communication. Sit or lie down comfortably and mentally visualize the two transparent spheres in which you and your spouse are. Fill these spheres with light that symbolizes peace, tranquility, love. If you are a believer, you can read a prayer or ask the Almighty to bless you and help you. Then let the spheres merge into one and push them into space.
The following technique is designed to help in the absence of mutual understanding or when the spouses are distant. For this you need paints or pencils and three sheets of paper. Close your eyes and imagine your husband as an animal. Draw this animal and everything that surrounds it. Do the same for yourself. Put the pictures in front of you and think about these animals - whether they are of the same species, what is their relationship, what moves them away from each other. Then imagine that animals should be together, and come up with new images of them. Draw new animals on one sheet, paying particular attention to what brings them together. Based on your drawings, make a list of steps you should take towards your partner to bring you closer. And be sure to do everything that was planned