Cases of betrayal are not uncommon, and this applies not only to men, but also to women. Contrary to popular belief that “you cannot build your own happiness on someone else’s misfortune,” relationships in such situations develop very differently.

When it comes to lovers and mistresses, the discussion usually comes from the side of the person who has been cheated on. Such conversations are full of anger, reproaches and accusations. Few people think and feel about what the mistresses themselves think and feel, except for themselves.
When a mistress can be happy
The main point that can make a mistress (and any woman in general) unhappy in a relationship is a feeling of possessiveness. If he is not there, then there is no need for a man to be constantly present nearby and pay attention only to her. Then the partners meet as independent people who respect each other, have a good time together, get feelings that they lack in family life, and calmly disperse until they meet again.
It is in such relationships that such advantages as the absence of the need to constantly run the household, monitor the house, and redistribute her personal budget in the interests of the family are manifested for a woman. A relationship without trying to make the other person your property is easy, romantic, and never boring. It is important to live your interesting and full life, and not to dissolve in a man, barely surviving the time of his absence, and happiness will not keep you waiting.
Happy is the mistress who understands her superiority over his wife, from whom the man strives for her, and does not fixate on the fact that he is returning home anyway. Happy is the one who calmly refers to the status of a lover / wife, and pays attention mainly to the emotions that she experiences. A woman is also happy who does not make from the word “happiness” some kind of permanent heavy-weight all-embracing concept, the attributes of which should be present in her life every day.
When the mistress is unhappy
Unhappy will be a woman who, being a mistress, hopes to become a wife, or at least just the only man in her life. This sometimes happens, but the decision is given to a man hard and not quickly. Turning a relationship into a painful expectation will not lead to anything good for both. A relationship where a woman has completely "lost herself" and somehow exists from one visit of a man to another will also be bleak.
In any case, if you've already become a lover, live in the moment. Have fun in the present, be cheerful and beautiful, do not make plans about how to completely enslave your partner and separate him from his family. Take care of yourself and your life most of the time and do not listen to those who talk about "someone else's happiness." Everything is individual, people converge and diverge and, as psychologists say, there is nothing unnatural in this.