A person seeks love, then creates a family. The wedding is being celebrated, children are appearing. Everything is rosy and perfect. But in life, not everything is so beautiful and smooth. Often the beautiful picture of the family gives way to hellish everyday life with quarrels, scandals and fights. The female half is not in the best position in this situation. Due to her weakness and defenselessness, a woman cannot always fight back a man. Therefore, it is the woman who ends up in the hospital with beatings and bruises. And after everything that happens to her, she remains to live under the same roof with such a person, risking her life. What if my husband hits? How can you avoid this situation? And is it worth continuing a relationship with such a person?

When the first male assault occurs, then everything is not immediately clear in the woman's head. Everything is in a fog. How could a person whom you love, and who loves you, suddenly dare to raise a hand against you? Yes, they argued, swore, called each other names … With whom does not happen. But suddenly he could not restrain himself at some point, and the first slap in the face came. A stream of tears, resentment and his apology …
If you do not immediately understand the situation in hot pursuit, then the slap in the face will be replaced by a blow to the head, face, stomach, etc. After the "reconciliation", talk to your husband about what was the real reason for this act. Maybe he is losing his nerves, there are some problems at work that he does not talk about, experiences them inside himself, and as a result breaks down on you. But, nevertheless, this is not a reason to raise your hand. If your spouse is worried about something and cannot cope with his emotions, offer him to drink a course of sedative pills. Perhaps the assault in this particular case was one-time and will never happen again.
If beatings during quarrels with your husband are repeated, conversations "heart to heart" do not lead to anything, conclusions from the stronger sex are not made, then try to contact a family psychologist. Perhaps he will give you valuable advice, thanks to which you and your spouse can keep your family together.
If the husband continues to beat, in spite of everything, then you should carefully prepare to get away from such a person. There is a lot to think about. If you live in his house or apartment with children, then you should think in advance about where you and the children will live. With relatives or in a rented apartment. If you are financially completely dependent on your husband, ask friends or relatives to give you a certain amount of debt for the first time. Or try to save money and put some money aside in another account. Keep documents for yourself and your children ready in a secluded place, prepare the essentials. Don't regret what you did. After all, children also see what is happening in the family. In the future, such "family troubles" will be reflected in their fates: the son will grow up to be a tyrant, and the daughter will suffer beatings from her husband. And there is no guarantee that you, as a mother, will preserve your life and health.
Therefore, if you decide to leave, then do not look back. Of course, it will not be easy. You need to be both a good mother for children and a breadwinner in the family. But children, first of all, need a healthy and lively mother. And the father, if he really loves children, will help both financially and morally.