Cheating brings discord in a couple and pain, both a man and a woman. To reduce the likelihood that your partner or partner will not remain faithful to you, you need to know the root causes of betrayal.

Internal reasons
Sometimes the one who cheats does it not because the loved one does not suit him in some way. The reason for infidelity may be a person's search for himself. Then betrayal becomes a sophisticated way of expressing yourself. When a person is not confident in himself and his choice, does not find ways of self-affirmation through work, hobbies or his role in the family, he can choose the path of betrayal.
Also, treason can be in the nature of a kind of reward for some kind of success. Sometimes a person suffers from certain complexes and self-doubt. A woman or a man believes that a relationship with a lover or mistress or fleeting intimate relationships can give admiration, recognition and a sense of self-worth.
Do not discount one of the popular reasons for cheating - feelings. It can be an ordinary sexual desire, passion or true love, which pushes a person to betrayal. Those individuals who do not dare to break the old romance before starting a new one, become cheaters.
Some individuals commit adultery in response to some actions of their partner. That is, infidelity becomes a manifestation of revenge. A betrayal of a loved one, neglect on his part or indifference can cause such a reaction. It is not a fact that after such an act it will become easier for the individual. But sometimes such a way out, paradoxically, really saves the relationship.
Some people may decide to cheat because of dissatisfaction with their intimate life. If the partner or partner does not suit them in terms of sex or intimacy does not go at all, the individual is capable of seeking love pleasures on the side. It happens that people cheat on their soulmates during long trips or internships in other countries. Do not forget that there are individuals with increased sex drive. For such people, it can be very difficult to physically remain faithful to one person with a calmer temperament.
It happens that a person cheats while intoxicated. Although, most likely, alcohol in this case plays the role of a catalyst, but not the cause of sex on the side. Such behavior can be a signal that not everything is in order in a couple, and you should not consider these situations as pure chance. Sometimes, after a betrayal, an individual realizes how close and dear a loved one is to him, and tries to improve relations that are under threat.
Marriage problems
Sometimes spouses move away from each other due to the pressure of life circumstances or unresolved domestic issues. The problem can also lie in the extinction of feelings or cooled passion. Instead of working on relationships and doing everything possible to work together to overcome the crisis of family life, some people begin to live a life separate from their partner or partner, of which the romance is part of it.