The fantasy of women has no boundaries. And it often happens that its fruits become a cause for quarrels in the family. So, finding the hair of the wrong color on a jacket or a delay at work, a woman is ready to attack a man with accusations of treason. And proving her wrong is sometimes very difficult.

Step 1
Do not be angry. As soon as you start to get nervous in response to the claims, the woman will immediately take it as another proof of your betrayal. React as calmly as possible, do not try to actively prove the opposite. Just say that this is not so, that you love only her and you do not need anyone else. It is these phrases that can have the desired effect.
Step 2
Show concern and consideration. It is possible that the thoughts of cheating arose due to the fact that you became distant from your woman. Analyze your relationship, try to put yourself in her place. Perhaps you really began to take your beloved for granted, so fix the situation urgently. Become the most caring and attentive man, call your woman several times a day, write messages and take an interest in her life.
Step 3
More often choose somewhere together. A small discharge in the form of a vacation can correct the tense situation. Even going to the movies, cafes and restaurants will help you reunite.
Step 4
Spend as much time with her as possible. Try to give up meetings with friends at least for a short while, do your work during the daytime so as not to stay late. Spend your free time with your woman, be near and in her field of vision, so she will understand that your betrayal is just a figment of her fantasy.