Labor pains are muscle contractions of the uterus. During this process, the baby moves forward along the birth canal. The sensations that the expectant mother experiences at these moments can be compared to pain during menstruation, only intensified hundreds of times.

Step 1
One of the main mistakes women in labor make during labor is panic and fear. It seems to the woman that she will now be torn apart from unbearable pain, and she begins to scream, rush around the room, demand pain relievers or give her a cesarean section. And if it so happened that at the initial stage of childbirth, the expectant mother is alone in the ward, without the constant supervision of the medical staff, she is completely hysterical.
Step 2
Therefore, to make it easier to survive the contractions, prepare for this process in advance. A few months before giving birth, sign up for special courses or attend lectures that are held in antenatal clinics and maternity hospitals. They will teach you how to breathe correctly, massage your lower back, and show you postures in which contractions are less painful.
Step 3
If you are afraid of being in a one-on-one ward with contractions, take your husband, mother, sister or girlfriend with you to childbirth. The partner will support you mentally, and will massage the lower back, and, if necessary, will call an obstetrician or nurse.
Step 4
In no case should you shout during contractions. Save your strength, you will still need it. Every time a new wave of contractions rolls in, think about the child. It is much harder for him in these moments than for you. In addition, with a cry, you cut off the oxygen to your baby. It is better to pronounce the sounds of O, U, and I. It is also important to breathe correctly during contractions. At the very beginning, you need to take deep breaths, and at the peak of the fight - short and abrupt (they also say, breathe like a dog).
Step 5
Rather than tense and focus on the pain, relax. For example, you can close your eyes and imagine that you are not in the delivery room, but swimming in the warm sea. And the fight instead of the sea wave - surged, dipped and released. For some, classical music helps to relax. Therefore, it is worth downloading calm melodies to your phone in advance and do not forget to take headphones with you.
Step 6
Water treatments can also help ease contractions in the early stages of labor. Today, many maternity hospitals have the opportunity to take a shower, so do not neglect this method. Direct a warm stream of water at your lower back to help relieve pain.
Step 7
Do not lie down during contractions. Walk more, this will help the uterus to open faster. Also look for positions that feel less pain. Some find it easier to endure contractions by jumping on a fitball, others standing on all fours, and others squatting.
Step 8
In contractions, it is also important not to miss attempts. As soon as you really want to go to the toilet for the most part, call the obstetrician if at that moment he is not there. After all, you are about to give birth to your baby. As a rule, attempts are painless for most women. The main thing here is to listen to the advice of an obstetrician and push correctly - not to strain the muscles of the face, but to direct all the forces into the pelvis.