Pregnancy is not a reason to give up travel. If you follow simple rules, then the rest will be absolutely safe and will only benefit the mother and her future baby.

The long-awaited journey depends on the length of your pregnancy. The most optimal period is the second trimester. At this time, toxicosis is no longer tormented, and a small stomach still allows you to lead an active lifestyle.
You need to have a rest in the company of your husband, mother or best friend. This is the only way to feel comfortable and safe.
When choosing a country for vacation, you need to consider only those places in which the climate does not fundamentally differ from your region. You also need to take into account the fact that a long flight is not recommended for the expectant mother, even if she feels good and does not have health problems, so it is better to choose a country that is not very far away.
Since active and even more extreme sports during pregnancy are prohibited, it is better to devote time on vacation to walking and swimming in the sea. This will not only give positive emotions, but also help to strengthen the musculoskeletal system.
When sunbathing, you need to remember that in the period from 12 to 17 you cannot be in the sun, and in the morning and in the evening you must use protective equipment from the sun, and also do not forget about a headdress, glasses and umbrellas. Also, in the heat, you need to drink as much clean water or freshly squeezed juices as possible, if you are not allergic to them.
Swimming in the sea should not lead to hypothermia. If this happens, you need to immediately warm up with tea, and then take a warm shower.
When choosing a hotel for relaxation, you must first of all focus on comfort: the bed must be comfortable, there must be an air conditioner in the room. You should also avoid hotels with discos or other noisy night activities that interfere with a comfortable sleep.
If you have exotic foods, you should either skip them or try them in small portions to avoid allergies or other reactions caused by unfamiliar foods. This also applies to fruits, as well as juices made from them. Water should only be drunk from bottles.
In some cases, the vacation will have to be canceled if there is a medical indication for this. If the trip is approved by a doctor, it is imperative to take out insurance. In any case, we must not forget that when going on vacation in a position, responsibility will have to be borne not only for yourself, but also for the unborn baby. Above all should be safety and only then the desire to relax in another country.