Should You Plan To Give Birth In Phuket?

Should You Plan To Give Birth In Phuket?
Should You Plan To Give Birth In Phuket?

When planning children, many parents think seriously about childbirth abroad. The favorable climate of Thailand, the spirit of freedom, affordable prices, developed infrastructure and an extensive range of services in Phuket contribute to the creation of a strong and healthy family.

Pregnancy and childbirth in Phuket
Pregnancy and childbirth in Phuket

Medicine in Phuket and in Thailand in general is at a very high level. Therefore, you do not need to worry about the quality of services and the professionalism of doctors. The popularity of childbirth in Phuket is confirmed by statistics from Phuket International Hospital, where 80% of children born are foreigners and half of them are Russian.

Due to stereotypes about Asia and developing countries, some parents may think that in Phuket they will be offered a birth in the jungle, and instead of anesthesia they will be forced to recite mantras and meditate. In reality, childbirth in Thai can be called one of the most conservative. If a woman wants to try something new, then Samitivej Hospital in Bangkok will be able to organize a birth in water, but under the close supervision of doctors.


Phuket hospitals offer modern women the choice of a natural birth or a cesarean section. Thai women are more likely to prefer the latter method when medically indicated. For natural childbirth, doctors will offer epidural anesthesia, which can cost an expectant mother an additional 10-15 thousand baht. Almost all hospitals have maternity packages that are discounted up to 32 weeks pregnant. They usually include:

  • obstetrician and pediatrician services;
  • payment for medical services;
  • delivery room and equipment rental;
  • payment for hospital and food;
  • medicines and vaccination of the newborn;
  • child care and necessary laboratory tests;
  • services of a Russian-speaking translator.

Parents can also pay for a prenatal package, which can reach 5-10 thousand baht in public hospitals, and 37-150 thousand baht in private clinics. Almost the only difference in service will be the lack of an interpreter into Russian and poor knowledge of English in public medical institutions.

Upon discharge from the hospital, parents are given gifts and a birth certificate in Thai, which can be translated into English for an additional fee. However, parents should be aware that the birth of a child in the kingdom does not give the right or any advantage to obtain a residence permit or citizenship. Therefore, giving birth in Phuket for immigration purposes may not be considered.
