When a child is born, any mother receives milk to feed the baby. But some women, in order to maintain the shape of their breasts, deliberately refuse breastfeeding and switch to formula, thereby depriving the child of health.

Step 1
The first reason why a child should be breastfed is the formation of the correct bite in the child. The baby is born with an underdeveloped lower jaw, it is, as it were, sunk into the depths of the head, skull, so that the child can easily pass through the birth canal. When sucking at the breast, the baby is forced to push the lower jaw forward in order to grab the nipple and get milk. The efforts that he will create from day to day will allow the jaw to grow rapidly and form the correct position of the lower jaw relative to the upper one. If the baby refuses to breastfeed, deformation of the face may occur.
Step 2
The second reason is no less important. Indeed, breast milk contains more than 40 immune components, some of them are proteins, antibodies and such an important protein as lactoferrin, thanks to which the baby receives the body's immune defense from many bacteria. Infant formula will always be only a source of food for the child, but in no way a protector against diseases.
Step 3
It is also beneficial for the health of the mother herself to breastfeed her baby. This process prevents the development of diseases such as breast cancer; mastitis, which is characterized by an elevated lactating temperature and stagnant milk. After each breastfeeding, the newly-made mom is obliged to express the remaining milk using a breast pump.