Pregnancy And Ultrasound: Benefit Or Harm

Pregnancy And Ultrasound: Benefit Or Harm
Pregnancy And Ultrasound: Benefit Or Harm

Pregnant women pay special attention to the state of their body and pay special attention to environmental factors that can have a detrimental effect on the development of the fetus. During pregnancy, three and sometimes more ultrasound procedures are required. Some people think that ultrasound can harm the developing baby in the womb.

Pregnancy and ultrasound: benefit or harm
Pregnancy and ultrasound: benefit or harm

Ultrasound is performed with a special device, thanks to the use of ultrasonic waves and with the help of a special program, you can see a black and white image of the fetus on the screen. According to most scientists, these waves do not have a detrimental effect on the body of a pregnant woman and a baby in her womb. However, the thermal effect of ultrasound on the fetus can disturb it, but ultrasound is not a potentially dangerous procedure.

Despite the assurances of most scientists about the absence of harm from ultrasound for a pregnant woman and her fetus, controversies in science continue due to the lack of reliable research. Experiments carried out on animals have shown that constant exposure to ultrasound affects the growth and development of the embryo as a whole, but during the application of this diagnostic method in modern medicine, not a single confirmation of the harmful effect of ultrasound on the human body has been recorded.

We can say with confidence that ultrasound is of great benefit in the management of pregnancy. It allows you to identify early abnormalities in the development of pregnancy, to exclude complications that are life-threatening and fetal development.

Ultrasound of the first trimester (10-14 weeks) reveals possible malformations, determines the number of fetuses, specifies the timing of pregnancy, at the second ultrasound (20-24 weeks), the state of the amniotic fluid, the development of fetal organs is studied, the sex of the unborn child is established, at the last ultrasound (32 -34 weeks), the weight and degree of development of the baby, the state of the placenta, and the presentation of the fetus are determined.

Modern doctors speak of ultrasound as one of the safest research methods, but you still should not abuse this procedure, it should be done only if necessary and on the recommendation of an obstetrician-gynecologist.
