Communion is the most important church sacrament, which every Orthodox person needs to receive. To give the Holy Communion to an infant, you need to decide on the temple in which you will give the Child, and find out the time of the beginning of the Communion. On the eve, it is necessary to read the canons and prayers for Holy Communion.

Step 1
You can take communion with a child in any church when the liturgy is taking place. Most parishioners receive communion on Sundays or on major Orthodox holidays. For Communion, you can choose a church that appeals to you. However, it is better to give communion to the baby in a church located not far from home, since on a long journey the baby can get hungry, become capricious, require a diaper change - and it is not very convenient to solve such problems on the way.
Step 2
On the eve, one should read the canons with "Follow-up to Holy Communion" and pray.
Step 3
The infant is not required to fast. If a child asks for food in the morning before communion, be sure to feed him, well-fed babies are less capricious. You will hardly be able to survive the entire morning service with a baby in your arms, and it is not necessary. Better come to the beginning of the Sacrament, knowing in advance the approximate time. If the child is complacent, you can stay with him in the temple while the service is going on. In the event that the baby is crying, it is better to go out and wait for the Communion outside.
Step 4
Communicating a baby for the first time, many mothers worry about his fragile stomach. After all, the participants are supposed to taste a piece of prosphora and a little Cahors. Do not worry! Infants are given communion with a drop of diluted wine without prosphora, so that Communion in no way can cause colic.
Step 5
Traditionally, infants are the first to receive communion, then older children, then men, then women. If the parents also prepared for Communion (fasted, confessed, read the canons with prayers for Holy Communion), they can commune with the baby. At the time of communion, be sure to mention the name given at Baptism.