How To Give Communion To A Child

How To Give Communion To A Child
How To Give Communion To A Child

Table of contents:


If you are going to give Communion to a child, explain to him what Communion is and why you need to take Communion. Help prepare for Communion: read the canons and prayers for Holy Communion the day before. Explain how you should behave in the temple.

How to give communion to a child
How to give communion to a child


Step 1

The Sacrament is one of the seven main Sacraments of the Orthodox Church. Believers are reunited with God by eating a piece of the consecrated Bread and a sip of the consecrated Wine. The sacrament cleanses the soul and body of the filthiness of bad deeds and thoughts, which in turn are the cause of failure, depressed mood and illness. The tradition of communion with Bread and Wine arose after the Last Supper, when Jesus himself gave the communion to his disciples in a similar way.

Step 2

It is necessary to seriously prepare for the Sacrament of the Sacrament, help the child to realize and realize this. Tell your child that before communion you need to make peace with others, ask for forgiveness from everyone he offended and forgive his offenders.

Step 3

Teach you to fast, for a start, not strict, by excluding meat dishes from the menu for three days before the Sacrament.

Step 4

Teach your child the simplest prayers, such as the Jesus Prayer, as it is the shortest and easy to remember. Explain that prayer is a first aid in all difficult situations.

Step 5

Explain that fasting is not limited to food. Fasting is, first of all, not to commit bad deeds, that is, you need to try not to offend anyone and learn to forgive your offenders, as well as not swear, avoid bad thoughts.

Step 6

In order not to be unfounded, set a personal example for your child. Otherwise, the baby, seeing that you say one thing and do another, will not take your words seriously. A child under 7 years of age does not need to confess before Communion.

Step 7

On the eve of going to church, read the canons and prayers for Holy Communion to your child.

Step 8

Tell them that you must not make noise, talk, or run in the temple. The church is a place where miracles of healing, forgiveness of sins take place, and it must be treated with reverence and respect.

Step 9

When you give Communion to a child, remember that at the time of Communion you need to give a name in Baptism.
