How To Prepare A Child For The Sacrament Of Communion

How To Prepare A Child For The Sacrament Of Communion
How To Prepare A Child For The Sacrament Of Communion

If your family is Orthodox, it is very important to convey to the children the meaning of the great Sacrament of Communion. Their souls are not yet so thirsty for the Sacrament, because peace and life for them is a fairy tale and a miracle. The hard work and patience of parents will help children find eternal joy in communion with God.

Kindness shines in the baby's eyes
Kindness shines in the baby's eyes

The Lord gave our child to be born, so that we show him the way to salvation, which lies through the Sacrament of Communion. How to tell him about the Holy Mysteries?

A believer who wants to receive communion, the night before, after the service, it is necessary to bring repentance for his sins before the priest, without hiding them, to be sincere with him. If one does not confess, no one can be admitted to Holy Communion. Children under 7 years old are allowed to take communion without repentance, not because they are sinless, although they are small, they may have sins. They just cannot yet openly open their souls, realize their sins.

In order for a child to realize the full importance of the Sacrament of Communion, he needs to know the story of Jesus, the Savior of the world. That the Lord, who once ascended into heaven, is with us, and will remain with us, all the days until the end of time. And in the beginning there was a blooming Garden of Eden, and Adam and Eve were happy there. They were joyful and full of love, God came to them. It is difficult to say how he came, but they knew that He was there, and it was good for them. And then, when the gates of Paradise closed after the Fall, they cried with tears of repentance and hope.

Centuries passed, people began to forget God. Then the Son of God was born on earth, his name was Jesus Christ. Jesus walked the roads of Palestine and told people that the Kingdom of Heaven had approached them, that it was here, very close. He who believes in Me has eternal life; I am the Bread of Life. Your ancestors ate manna and died, but whoever will eat the Bread that comes down from heaven will not die. But the bread that I will give My Body, I will give it for the life of the world.

A child in infancy is a very impressionable, kind kid. For him, striving for God as good is a natural state. If this desire is sustained, it will help him understand that God is omnipotent. God knows everything about you, sees every step you take, hears all your thoughts. If you believe and not grieve God with bad behavior, but please with good thoughts and deeds, the Lord will certainly help you. In order for the baby to feel the care of the Almighty always, an angel is sent to him, who accompanies him, all his life. In the future, faith will help the child become a Christian with strong convictions. And while he is still small, he will help not to sin, and to begin the sacrament of communion with reverence for salvation.
