Ectopic pregnancy (graviditas extrauterina) is a pathology in which a fertilized egg is attached and develops outside the uterine cavity. Among the ectopic, tubal, ovarian and abdominal pregnancies are distinguished. In 98% of cases, an ectopic pregnancy is tubal (the ovum is attached to the fallopian tube). This pathology is life-threatening, because tube rupture may occur, accompanied by large blood loss. That is why it is important to recognize the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy in time.

Step 1
Unfortunately, recognizing an ectopic pregnancy is not easy. Many of its early signs are the same as in a healthy pregnancy: delayed menstruation, breast enlargement, nausea, dizziness, and aversion to odors. This is not surprising, because the same hormonal changes occur in a woman's body that would occur during a normal pregnancy.
Step 2
In the presence of objective and subjective signs of pregnancy, it is necessary to differentiate uterine from ectopic. For this, an ultrasound scan is indicated, and in some cases it is recommended to do laparoscopy. Blood and urine blood and urine tests for human chorionic gonadotropin (pregnancy hormone) can help in the diagnosis: hCG values are somewhat reduced in an ectopic pregnancy.
Step 3
When diagnosing, attention is paid to the medical history (inflammatory diseases, menstrual irregularities, postpartum complications).
Step 4
Ectopic pregnancy is characterized by scanty bloody discharge (dark), pulling or cramping pain in the abdomen, which can radiate to the lower back, general weakness, dizziness, and possible fainting. Often, with an ectopic pregnancy, there are signs of anemia (skin pallor, slight yellowness of the eye sclera and mucous membranes).
Step 5
If the interruption of an ectopic pregnancy has begun, pieces of tissue from the ovum may be released from the genital tract. The bleeding can be quite intense. Naturally, the diagnostic capabilities of the hospital make it possible to speak more accurately about the presence of pathology. However, if you see clotted dark blood in your body, this may indicate an interrupted ectopic pregnancy.
Step 6
If you suspect you have an ectopic pregnancy, you should urgently see a doctor. Remember that the earlier the pathology is detected, the more chances you have of restoring and normalizing reproductive function, and prolonged delay is completely life-threatening. If the diagnosis is confirmed, you will have surgery. After that, you will need to undergo a rehabilitation course.
Step 7
To reduce the risk of ectopic pregnancy, it is necessary to timely identify and treat inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, as well as dysfunctions of the ovaries. A history of abortion increases the risk of pathology, so they should be avoided using reliable contraceptives.