11 Week Of Pregnancy

11 Week Of Pregnancy
11 Week Of Pregnancy

Two months have passed since fertilization. During this time, the woman has already managed to survive toxicosis, registration with an antenatal clinic, hormonal storms in the body. There are still a whole long 30 weeks left before the birth.

11 week of pregnancy
11 week of pregnancy

At 11 weeks of pregnancy, most women often experience mood swings similar to those experienced during the premenstrual period. This is irritation for no particular reason, anxiety over trifles, anxiety, tearfulness, hysteria. This is the fault of all the same hormonal changes occurring in the body.

Getting rid of unpleasant emotional outbursts can be immersed in household chores, focusing on a hobby, meditation, walking, shopping. Seeing a professional therapist should help.

By eleven weeks of variability, it becomes difficult for a spouse. Despite the fact that he is worried no less than the expectant mother, there should be no misunderstanding on his part. He must find the strength to help his wife, not only around the house, but also psychological support. A pregnant woman should also not forget about her beloved, because during the period of mobilization of all his spiritual and physical strength, he also needs attention and care.

If the spouse does not want to understand and provide all possible help, it is worth telling him about the changes occurring at eleven weeks of pregnancy, because until the stomach is noticeable and the fetus does not move, he may not understand at all what is happening with the woman's body. If you cannot cope on your own, you can always seek help from a specialist.

At 11 weeks of gestation, the baby already weighs about 7 grams. Outwardly, he still does not quite look like an ordinary child. His arms are longer than the lower limbs, because their development is faster, and the head is generally equal to the size of the entire body. But do not sound the alarm when you see such a strange creature on an ultrasound machine, because by the time the size imbalances are born, the size imbalances will completely disappear.

By the eleventh week of pregnancy, the formation of the baby's sternum is completed, the feet and hands continue to develop. At this time, the iris of the eye develops, which in the future will receive its own unique color.
