What does it mean to be a real woman? If the answer to this question were so simple, no one would ask it. Probably, every woman in the depths of her soul knows how to be real, because she is already real, just worries and troubles, eternal running around and problems make you forget about it.

Live in the present
A real woman is not chasing career growth, money, man, happiness and other things in life. She, of course, has goals and knows what she wants, but lives, first of all, in the present. She does not postpone life until later. A real woman will never wait until she loses weight or until her career develops. The most important thing that she has is today, and she knows it.
Be yourself
A real woman permits herself to be real herself. She is not ashamed of her figure, does not reproach herself over trifles, does not forbid herself to feel. She has good self-esteem. She believes that her life is a joy, and not a lot of problems and worries. She willingly allows herself to be happy and enjoy any little things. She also loves her body, allows him to be relaxed. She also loves her thoughts and feelings, allowing herself to experience the emotions that she is experiencing.
Doesn't hurry, but doesn't hesitate either
Each person has his own pace, and if everything around him is too fast, then he gets tired, and if too slow, then he becomes bored. A real woman lives in her own rhythm, she is in no hurry, but does not allow life around her to freeze. She herself is always interested in living, her consciousness is clear, and all actions are timely. She does not allow anyone to influence the pace of her life.
Self love
A real woman loves herself with all her heart. She is not selfish, she willingly helps others, but not to the detriment of herself, because you cannot make someone happy, while becoming unhappy yourself. She values her life and her personal space, she has her favorite business and her hobbies, and she will not sacrifice all this for the sake of other people's goals and interests. She does not deceive herself, so she manages not to deceive others. If she says yes, then she feels yes, and does not agree out of politeness or fear of offending the interlocutor. Likewise, she is not interested in public opinion. She does not try to please everyone, living by principles alien to her.
Strength in flexibility
There are two ways to deal with obstacles: hitting them with your forehead if it is strong enough, or bypassing them like water. A real woman chooses the second path. She will see where the obstacles have a weak point, what is the essence of what is happening, how you can outwit the situation. She will choose the right time to take the right action. Wisdom and flexibility are where her strength lies.
A special internal state
A real woman feels fulfilled. She is good with herself, she is happy. This is what attracts men to her so much, this is her inner state. She enjoys life by herself, therefore she invariably arouses increased interest in the opposite sex. Love for herself and others is her natural state, which is why it is so easy for others to love her.