The baby's senses, nervous system and brain begin to function long before birth. The baby, being in the womb, can understand and feel the thoughts and mood of the mother. The lifestyle, emotions and condition of the expectant mother affect the development of the fetus, and the mental development of the child before birth affects the further formation of his personality. Therefore, during pregnancy, you should pay a lot of attention to the baby, contributing to its full development and instilling the foundations of education.

Step 1
From 13-14 weeks of pregnancy, the baby begins to drink amniotic fluid. It has been established that a child swallows twice as much sweet water and reluctantly - sour and bitter, and their taste depends on what you ate. During this period, be more careful about your nutrition and, perhaps, after birth, the baby will give preference to the products that you loved during pregnancy. So you can cultivate his taste.
Step 2
Read poetry while talking to your baby-to-be. One of the most important sounds that the baby hears and remembers while in the womb is the sound of the mother's heart. For 9 months, his rhythm accompanies the unborn child. Perhaps this explains the susceptibility of babies to rhythm. For example, to the rhythm of the verse. Using the innate sense of the rhythm of the fetus, try to develop its language skills even before the baby is born: to capture words and phrases.
Step 3
Use a special technique - logo rhythmics (rhythmic slapping). Calling a word loudly, slap its syllables lightly over your tummy. From about the 20th week of pregnancy, start memorizing. Then the baby will be born already with the initial "blanks" of speech, it will be easier to recognize them and will begin to pronounce faster. Use words that usually appear first in the baby's vocabulary, for example, ba-ba, ma-ma, pa-pa, and other simple words of one or two syllables. Engage in logo rhythm while reading a poem, lightly patting your tummy in time for each line. Read well-known pieces (nursery rhymes, lullabies, etc.) or come up with simple rhymed miniatures yourself. Perhaps, in this way, you can instill in your child an interest in poetry, folk art, and literature.
Step 4
It is known that music affects not only the psyche, but also affects the deep physical and chemical processes in the body. So, communicate with your "tummies", sing songs to them, listen to good and kind music, educating the baby's musical taste in advance.
Step 5
In the early stages of pregnancy (at least from 3-4 months), the baby begins to feel. He is developing an "emotional memory". First of all, those emotions that are experienced by his mother and the surrounding close people (dad) are deposited in it. In addition, the baby reacts long before birth to the very words of others, their intonation. Affectionate words have a calming effect on the baby, and disturbing or angry sounds of speech make him anxious. Do not watch television programs filled with various kinds of negative information: disasters, emergencies, horrors, deaths. Think and talk only about the good, setting up positive and your loved ones. This is very important for the upbringing of the character of the unborn child, his physical and mental health.
Step 6
Teach your baby to the bedtime ritual. To do this, follow the sequence of your usual actions: dinner, bath (shower), lullaby. Sing baby songs and lullabies to your baby at night. This ritual, familiar to the baby from intrauterine life, may help him to calm down and fall asleep in the future.