14 Weeks Pregnant

14 Weeks Pregnant
14 Weeks Pregnant

The word "pregnancy" comes from the word "burden". This means that it is easy for a woman to be and should not. Despite all the difficulties of the first trimester passed, by the 12th week of pregnancy, a woman's feeling of future motherhood begins to grow stronger.

14 weeks pregnant
14 weeks pregnant

The second trimester of pregnancy is considered a golden time. The abdomen has not yet grown, the side effects associated with this do not torment, such as back pain and swelling of the legs, but the toxicosis has completely left the future woman in labor. Psychologists and doctors recommend enjoying this time, cherishing a new sensation of imminent motherhood for a woman, paying more attention to yourself, relaxing, walking, and starting a new hobby. All this will help to cope with the difficulties, without which almost no pregnancy can do.

By the fourteenth week, the baby grows to 12, 5 centimeters in length. He is already excreting urine into the amniotic fluid, training to breathe, drawing in the amniotic fluid and pushing it back with his small lungs. These movements are very important for the further intrauterine life of the child, thanks to them, lung tissue develops, allowing the baby to take the first breath after childbirth.

The body of the fetus is covered with lanugo, a fluff that protects thin skin and regulates body temperature. An individual pattern appears on the tips of his fingers, which will remain with him for life.

Differences by gender are becoming more and more noticeable. In male fetuses, the prostate gland is formed, and in girls, the ovaries move to the pelvic region.

