Rubella Vaccine In Preparation For Pregnancy

Rubella Vaccine In Preparation For Pregnancy
Rubella Vaccine In Preparation For Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very important and crucial stage in a woman's life. The health of the unborn child largely depends on how much the mother is protected from dangerous infections. This is primarily about rubella.

Rubella vaccine in preparation for pregnancy
Rubella vaccine in preparation for pregnancy

The rubella virus is very dangerous for pregnant women. It is capable of infecting embryonic tissues and causing irreparable harm to the fetus, leading to malformations.

To protect yourself and the unborn child from adverse consequences, it is necessary to be vaccinated against rubella at the stage of pregnancy planning. This is especially true for women planning a second and subsequent pregnancy, since raising their first child, they have to attend child care facilities. At the same time, the likelihood of rubella infection increases many times over.

Rubella vaccination is given once, since the vaccine is live, and antibodies are produced immediately, without subsequent revaccinations. It is better to get vaccinated 2-3 months before the planned pregnancy. The rubella immunity developed after vaccination remains in the body for 10 to 20 years (depending on the type of vaccine chosen).

If you were sick with rubella in childhood, then modern medicine with the help of a special analysis allows you to check the presence of antibodies to rubella in the body. After receiving the results, together with a medical specialist, you can decide whether to vaccinate.

Rubella vaccination is contraindicated in lactating and pregnant women, since the introduction of a live virus can cause infection of the child (fetus).
