On September 1, thousands of boys and girls will go to first grade for the first time. This day is very exciting for both the baby and his parents, because this event will be remembered for the rest of his life. In addition, going to first grade is the first step to an independent life.

Each child is individual, someone wants to grow up and become independent as soon as possible, learn to read and write. But there are also those children who are catastrophically afraid of any changes in their settled life, and with great pleasure they would stay in kindergarten for another year. And it will depend on the parents with what mood the child will go to school.
It will not be enough just to buy your child a backpack and a set of colored pencils in a beautiful pencil case. It is the psychological mood of the future first-grader that plays a very important role, try to dispel all his fears and insecurities, try to set the child in a positive mood.
Do not scare your child with school as something scary, forget about scary expressions. Otherwise, this will lead to the fact that the child categorically refuses to go to school and will perceive it as something hostile. The child may begin to perceive school as a place where only children are scolded and punished. Try to talk about the school as something bright and joyful, so that the child has a strong desire to get there. Show your admiration for the fact that soon he will go to school, will be able to learn to write and read, and will be able to learn a lot of new and interesting things. In addition, now he will be able to teach himself something to his younger brothers or sisters.
Try to let your little one understand that being a schoolboy is good from all sides. You can tell about your school days, how you had fun with your friends, what you loved to do most of all, you can tell funny stories related to school.
Do not forget to explain to the kid exactly why the children go to school, tell them that only through study can a person find a good job and become successful in life. For the child, it is necessary to bring only positive moments. Set an example for yourself or close relatives, perhaps set as an example of people your child likes.
When preparing for school, ask your child for help, he will like it. Let the kid independently choose the backpack that he liked the most, buy all the necessary school supplies together, then in the nursery it is necessary to equip a special place for classes where the student can study and do homework. You also need to go to the future school in advance, where the child will study, take a walk on the playground, along the school corridor, and if possible, go to the classroom.
Most often, before September 1, parents are more worried than children. You should not pay too much attention to the first line, because this is already a rather exciting event, and if you constantly remind your child about this, he will be even more worried. Make September 1 a real holiday, let your child feel the most important on this day. You should go to the first line with your baby. After that, try to arrange a real holiday for the child.