Pregnancy and preparation for childbirth require a great responsibility from a woman. It is necessary to strictly follow all the prescriptions of the doctor. It is very important to control your condition during all forty exciting weeks. The health of your child in the future depends on how seriously you take this difficult period.

- - scales;
- - tape measure.
Step 1
After you find out that you are pregnant, you need to register with the antenatal clinic. You should take a responsible approach to the choice of a doctor, because it is this person who will advise you throughout all 9 months. Ask friends girls, listen to reviews. Perhaps your local polyclinic has some good doctors, and you can choose the best one.
Step 2
At almost every examination, the doctor will order you to have blood and urine tests. Don't ignore these guidelines. The results of these studies allow you to monitor your health, which is very important for your baby's development. Only under the condition of constant monitoring can all emerging deviations be detected in a timely manner.
Step 3
Three times during pregnancy, you should routinely undergo an ultrasound examination (ultrasound). This type of control gives a complete picture of how your child is growing and how much his development corresponds to the norms of a given period. Many intrauterine diseases of the fetus are curable, it is important to notice them in time. Perhaps some acquaintances will dissuade you from ultrasound and talk about its detrimental effect on the child. Do not succumb to the wave of such prejudices, the harm of this examination has not been scientifically proven.
Step 4
It is very important to control your weight. Excessive gain indicates that fluid is retained in your body. This has a bad effect on the process of oxygen supply to the child. To prevent this from happening, weigh yourself every week. A pathology is considered to be a weekly weight gain of 1 kg or more. Ask your obstetrician-gynecologist about the rates of these changes for each period of pregnancy. It is also necessary to measure the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine fundus every week.
Step 5
Follow all your doctor's orders and try to self-control. Be responsible for your diet and physical condition. Proper physical activity is very important during pregnancy. It may not be easy, but you will appreciate your work when you give life to a healthy and strong baby.