The main components of breast milk are proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Moreover, they are in a balance that is ideal for assimilation by the child's body. These substances help your baby to grow strong and healthy.

These are kind of bricks, thanks to which the child gains height and weight so intensively in the first year of his life. Breast milk contains mainly whey protein and casein. Another important component of human milk is amino acids. The most valuable are taurine (improves the functioning of the nervous system) and lactoferrin (helps the complete absorption of iron and inhibits the growth of pathogens).
Fats are a source of strength for the crumbs. Cholesterol from breast milk actively affects the development of the brain, helps to synthesize hormones and vitamin D. In the first months, breast milk contains a lot of fat, later their amount decreases significantly.
In breast milk, carbohydrates are represented by lactose. This is milk sugar, which, when broken down, turns into enzymes - glucose and galactose. Lactose helps the growth of the gray matter of the brain and stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines of the baby (therefore, breastfed babies are less likely to suffer from stool and gastrointestinal diseases).
Minerals, vitamins, immunoglobulins
Breast milk contains iron, manganese, copper, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B, C, D, etc. All of them are in a harmonious ratio for their best assimilation. Another important component of human milk is lysozyme immunoglobulin. It destroys harmful microorganisms in the mouth and intestines of the crumbs.
There are over 20 different hormones in breast milk. The most important of them are: oxytocin (responsible for the psychoemotional state), prolactin (affects the development of the pituitary gland), insulin (regulates the child's blood sugar), growth hormones. All of them actively affect the metabolism, helping the baby to grow and develop correctly.