In psychology, the phenomenon of procrastination is called “procrastination”. Procrastination is not limited to banal laziness, because a person actively finds other activities for himself, just to delay the fulfillment of the necessary.

Step 1
Almost every person is subject to procrastination, who at least once faced the need to perform this or that difficult or unpleasant task. People try to delay the moment until the last: going to the dentist, writing a term paper, calling a superior. Along the way, there are other activities that are much more pleasant to indulge in: checking an email or a page on a social network, calling a friend, having a snack or a smoke. This is a real problem that takes up a lot of people's time. To start acting more productively, you need to consciously deal with the phenomenon of procrastination. There are several tricks for this.
Step 2
Get in the habit of making a to-do list that will prevent crowding out. Unpleasant things are often "forgotten", as our psyche tries to protect itself from the expected stress. For each of the tasks on the list, you can designate your deadline, as well as assess the degree of complexity of each.
Step 3
Competently draw up a plan of action for the day, and put the most unpleasant task to complete in the first place. Do it in the morning, and then you will feel proud and relieved. This feeling is equivalent to the feeling of a jump from a height, for which you have been preparing for a long time. It is much easier to do this right away than to stand and gather courage at the edge of the cliff. The rest of the cases must be performed from complex to simple, the simplest thing remains at the end.
Step 4
The next rule is about small routine chores. Learn to do these tasks every day instead of several times a week. For example, you write a certain number of articles per week. Oddly enough, writing a little bit every day is much easier than getting down to business every few days. The workload will be more evenly distributed, and the habit will soon develop.
Step 5
For extroverts and outgoing people in the company of other people, it is much easier to do unpleasant work. Therefore, many losing weight find running partners for themselves, and students love to complete group assignments. In the company of other people, there is a tendency to observe each other's success at work, which greatly increases motivation.
Step 6
To ensure the prompt completion of the case, pay sufficient attention to preparing everything necessary for the job. If you need to write an abstract, find the material and print it. Clean up your workplace, put on a cup of coffee, remove all unnecessary things from your eyes, close all unnecessary applications on your computer. This will make it much more pleasant for you to sit down to work and do not want to put it off.