Observation is a form of sensory knowledge of the world, thanks to which people can distinguish similar objects, sounds, smells, recognize familiar faces, etc. In adults, the observation process is deliberate, while children do it selectively and spontaneously. To develop observation in babies, you need to constantly deal with them.

Step 1
Try to have an entertaining game with your child aimed at developing observation. Choose an interesting old Soviet cartoon, for example, "Nut Twig", "Hedgehog in the Fog", "Golden Antelope", "Oh, Shrovetide!" etc. The directors in those years attached great importance to the details and expressiveness of the characters, so each frame is full of small details that are not always noticeable at first glance. Watch the cartoon with your baby and discuss it. Using leading questions, find out how many small details the child noticed and remembered. Then watch the cartoon a few more times, perhaps frame by frame, and draw the baby's attention to the elements you asked him about, as well as to music, gestures, facial expressions, sounds and much more.
Step 2
Think of other games to develop observation or use the exercises that psychologists advise. For example, before going out to the kindergarten, guess the object that you will mark along the way. These can be cars of any color, animals, trees of a certain type. Try to look for new items along the way, which were not there the day before or you did not notice them. A great opportunity to improve your observation is to keep an eye on the changing seasons. Celebrate with the child the changes that occur in nature with the departure and arrival of the seasons, draw his attention to signs and various phenomena.
Step 3
K. Paustovsky remarkably spoke about the development of observation, who himself, by the way, was very fond of observing various natural phenomena. He advised to keep the vision “in line”, in a constant tone: “Try to look at everything for a month or two with the thought that you should definitely paint it with paints. On the tram, on the bus, everywhere you look at people this way. And after two or three days, you will be convinced that before that you did not see on faces and a hundredth of what you noticed now. And in two months you will learn to see, and you will no longer have to force yourself to do so. By training the child's attentiveness, you give him the opportunity to see many interesting things, teach him to compare, notice and draw conclusions. And as a result, his life will become more colorful, voluminous, fuller.