The relationship between a man and a woman can be so complex and confusing that it becomes unclear whether to continue or end it. To make the right decision and then not regret your own choice, you need to correctly assess the situation and understand yourself.

Be in love
You will probably agree that your love is worth fighting for. For the sake of this wonderful feeling, you can go through many tests, if only your loved one was there. In the name of joint happiness, it is worth forgiving each other's shortcomings and accepting the chosen one for who he is.
Don't let everyday problems and petty quarrels kill your love. Learn to find a compromise solution, go towards each other. Remember that a strong union is created by working on the relationship of both a man and a woman.
Keep in mind that work and money can be lost or reclaimed. But it's not so easy to find a soul mate again. Therefore, it is worth appreciating a loved one most of all, not ripping off your bad mood on him, not neglecting his attention and society because of less important matters.
Try to spend time with your partner, look for common interests. Find a hobby that brings you closer, meet your boyfriend's or girlfriend's friends, and introduce your loved one into your social circle.
There is no need to gloss over problems. Discuss with your partner the moments that do not suit you, and be ready to listen to any complaints about you. The main thing is to do it in a civilized and tactful manner, not to turn to insults and not turn the conversation into a scandal.
To let go
In the advice to value and strengthen the relationship, it is worth making a reservation. You need to fight for your love only when your chosen one is worthy of it. It happens that one of the couple is in illusions about how a loved one treats him.
When one loves in a union, and the other uses it, this is not normal. This state of affairs should not be allowed. Never lose your own personality, your personality in a relationship. Make concessions to your loved one, but do not dissolve in him, do not step over your principles.
Remember, some things are not worth forgiving. Real betrayal, any violence, systematic neglect on the part of your partner suggests that his attitude towards you is not sincere. You should not hold on to such a person. Believe me, there is another candidate for your heart, more honest and worthy.
If you do not see the prospects in your relationship, it is better to end them too. When you don't know how to support your union, it can exhaust itself. And then longing and habit takes the place of passion. If you want to find a real feeling, go ahead and don't hold on to a pathetic caricature of love.