If you feel or know that your loved one doesn't want to be with you anymore, the best decision is to let him go. Even if you are in pain and sadness, do not torment yourself with the thought that things can work out. Once the decision is made, there is no turning back.

Step 1
The first thing you will need to do is realize that the relationship is over. This is the most difficult stage of all that lies ahead for you. Yes, yesterday you were together and everything was fine. And today irreversible changes have already taken place. And the only thing you can do is accept them. Do not hope for a miracle, there are not so many of them in our world. Just think that a certain stage in your life is over. A stage, not a whole life. And you need to continue to live and enjoy it.
Step 2
Don't call or text your ex. This will only bring trouble and suffering. Even if you chat for a couple of minutes on minor topics, it will not bring you comfort or relief. Delete all his contacts, do not look for meetings with him, because they will only bring disappointment.
Step 3
Remove from sight anything that might remind you of him. Hide his photo, gifts that he gave you. Even the dress in which you were on the very first date with him. The fewer beacons that will remind you of him, the faster you will get over the loss.
Step 4
Pamper yourself. This is what will help you get over the breakup as quickly as possible. Do what you like, start implementing your own plans. Surely because of the relationship, you denied yourself something. Perhaps your man asked you not to hang out with friends, not wear short skirts, or forbid you to go on hiking trips. But now the time of restrictions has passed. And you can live life to the fullest again.
Step 5
Make yourself happy every day. New shoes or a vending skirt, delicious cakes or going to the movies with friends. Enjoy life, you need it. Don't force your body. If you don't want to wash the floors, then put aside this boring task. Instead, do what you feel like doing. Visit a beauty salon, get yourself a new hairstyle, relax with a massage. Love yourself, not the person who has disappeared from your life. After all, you deserve these warm feelings more.