In adolescence, the human psyche is very vulnerable. At this time, the individual is experiencing hard life failures and is in an unstable position due to the not yet fully formed character. Teenagers may even try to commit suicide because of the difficulties they encounter along the way.

Common Causes
The causes of adolescent suicide are varied. One of them is strained relationships with parents. During the period of personality formation, the individual is the most vulnerable and is experiencing a difficult lack of support from the family.
In addition, a teenager can be hostile to the care and guardianship of mom and dad. He sees manifestations of parental responsibility and control for his child as evidence of self-distrust.
Another factor that can cause suicidal thoughts in a teenager is rejection by the team.
Conflict with peers, unrequited love, a sense of uselessness can lead to depression.
Some adolescents feel different from their peers and have a hard time being isolated. During open quarrels with classmates, the dignity of the child can be hurt. This can become such a strong blow to a person's self-esteem and pride that he will not find the strength to endure such events.
Sometimes teenagers try alcohol or drugs, and under the influence of such drugs they are not able to take responsibility for their actions. The result of intoxication can be a suicide attempt, because the mind of a teenager changes dramatically, and the thoughts sitting in the depths of the soul can become intrusive.
Alcohol destroys a child's personality and can be fatal.
At risk
The risk group includes children who are so-called loners. Unfortunately, not all children can endure the opposition of the collective. Someone cannot stand humiliation, insults, bullying, beatings, insults and tries to escape from problems by killing themselves.
Teens who tend to be overly critical of themselves may try to commit suicide through a guilt complex. The feeling of one's own worthlessness leads to the desire to part with life.
Overly demanding parents can add fuel to the fire by not encouraging the child, but only highlighting his weaknesses. Children tuned in this way for success and only victory may not cope with the stress and voluntarily leave this life.
A child whose parents are divorced or died can also be at risk and try to commit suicide. A teenager who finds himself in such a situation is sometimes inclined to believe that his world has collapsed, that he has been abandoned and is no longer worth living.
Alarming symptoms
There are some symptoms that help in time to detect a dangerous attitude in a child and prevent tragedy. These include: impaired appetite and sleep, withdrawal, loss of interest in one's own appearance, decreased attention, bouts of aggression, lack of plans for the future, interest in the attributes of death and funeral.
It is important to detect warning signs in a timely manner, treat them with due seriousness and save the child from death.