Talking about the dangers of smoking is not only boring, but also useless. For many decades, doctors, parents, and psychologists have been doing this. But now we will not talk about the dangers of smoking, but about adolescents who started smoking.

Why do people start smoking?
The answer is very simple - the desire to be like other guys or simple curiosity. They are children, so they are constantly surrounded not only by the comfort of the house, but also by a society in which the child does not feel support. In this society, there are completely different laws and rules. In other words, there can be a temptation here, from which no one can save.
Suppose that everything went very well on your part: you did not smoke, you forbid friends and family to smoke in front of your child, and you had many educational conversations about smoking. But, despite all this, the child can still try to smoke. After that, two options are possible: I tried it - I liked it and I smoked - I didn’t like it.
Cigarettes are a dangerous attribute of adulthood. If you think correctly, weighing the pros and cons, teens shouldn't smoke at all. But that's what parents think. In adolescents, on the other hand, thinking is completely different. And just imagine: you found a pack of cigarettes with a child. "Hopes are lost, my child is a mediocre!" - you think. Of course, this option is possible. But why not gather your strength and take the solution into your own hands?
Horror stories
The first thing that comes to mind for many is the "wedge" method. What kind of torture did not parents come up with? You can force to smoke the entire pack at once, serve cigarettes instead of food, or simply soak the cigarette in milk and give to the child. As you can see, parents are quite creative when it comes to punishment. But it is extremely difficult to call such methods civilized.
Of course, such methods give their results, but it is better not to rush, but to try other, more civilized and humane methods. If they do not help, use the "wedge" methods, but with a clear conscience.
What to do?
First, you need to calm down. Remember you are parents! Calmly, in an adult way, talk to him. Tell him about nicotine, ask why he started smoking. The conversation must be long, but without the use of shouts and stereotypical phrases (the Ministry of Health warns, smoking kills, it is dangerous, etc.). Let the child remember this conversation. It happens that such a conversation is quite enough for the child to stop smoking.
But do not relax, because this situation may repeat itself. Take care of the future. For example, think - what can be opposed to smoking? Probably sports. Enroll your child in tennis, soccer, rock climbing, or swimming. A child seriously involved in sports will not be able to smoke.
What if your child doesn't like sports? Watch him, find out what he is interested in. Once you find out, put his hobbies on a higher and more difficult level.
Practice shows that those teenagers who often lack interesting things and attention are suffering from nonsense. You can provide both, right?