Some religions have the concept of "enlightenment". It refers to a deeply devout person who lived in strict accordance with the commandments of his faith and eventually managed to achieve the highest wisdom - understanding the essence of the world, the meaning of life and much more that is not available to "ordinary" people. In a broader sense, the term "enlightenment" is interpreted differently.

What are the signs that you can understand that a person is enlightened
An enlightened person is a person who lives in harmony with the world around him, keeping calm and spiritual purity in any situation. Many consider such people to be eccentric and even mentally abnormal, although this is far from the case.
Such people can be found anywhere: in a metropolis and in a small provincial town. Initially, they are not easy to recognize because they behave quietly, modestly, without drawing attention to themselves. But in a changed environment, when the true human nature unwittingly manifests itself, an enlightened person will not go unnoticed.
If a fierce argument begins in his presence, passions heat up, an enlightened person will remain calm. He will neither take part in the dispute, nor act as an arbiter, deciding who is right and who is not.
As a last resort, he will quietly and politely try to appeal to the mind of his opponents, ask them to respect each other.
If everyone around him is frightened, embittered, he will remain calm. He is not interested in fierce competition, he does not strive for success at any cost. An enlightened person does not take part in gossip, does not gossip about a person behind his back, and rejects any attempts to draw him into such conversations politely but adamantly.
An enlightened person loves silence and peace of mind, so he never expresses his emotions violently. He can appreciate a funny joke, humorous transmission, but he will not laugh out loud or clap loudly.
Enlightened people are indifferent to material benefits, wealth. Their needs are very modest, yet they feel completely comfortable. Such people do not get angry with others, do not take revenge for the wrongs inflicted.
Therefore, they are often mistaken for weak, spineless people. However, this is completely wrong.
How enlightened people influence others
Communication with such a person has a beneficial effect on other people, makes them better. If, for example, someone is very upset, anxious, or angry, talking to an enlightened person can relieve him of his nervous tension. The one who has attained enlightenment is always polite, courteous, calm, more judicious, and thereby sets a good example for others. Especially in our time, when constant haste, stress and fierce competition make many people live by the rule "Man to man is a wolf".