If you like a person, but you are embarrassed to get to know him, and thoughts about him do not leave, then try to dream of him. To do this, you can use the influence on the subconscious or resort to magical rites and believe in the power of thought.

Step 1
It will be difficult to dream of a completely stranger who has never seen you, but it is quite possible for a man with whom you see a glimpse of you at work or other circumstances, and he does not notice you. To achieve your goal, use tricks that will act on the stranger's subconscious, that is, they will attract involuntary attention for a few seconds. Remember that most of the information seen and heard during the day is analyzed by the brain at night and is transformed into separate fragments of memory. Therefore, attracting the attention of a stranger during the day, even for a few seconds, there is a high probability that he will dream at night.
Step 2
You can draw involuntary attention to yourself with vivid images, for example, dress in a contrasting manner in relation to others, or apply makeup very brightly. You can express some kind of emphasis in clothes. Take advantage of the fact that red is very attractive in appearance, as it affects the subconscious and is associated with blood or danger, so a large scarf scarf or a red long dress will do. Involuntary attention is attracted by a sharp sound, for example, not far from a stranger, break a mug or scream in fright, pretending that a mouse has run, you can loudly slam the door when entering the room.
Step 3
You can attract the attention of a stranger if you invade his so-called intimate zone, that is, the distance is less than 50 centimeters. To do this, try to ride with the man in the elevator, or walk close to him and accidentally hit him with your elbow.
Step 4
Try to get the random attention of a stranger. If you work with him in the same team, leave, in a completely random way, your photo or other personal thing on his desk. A man will definitely think about the object that has appeared and its owner. Definitely - you will provide attention to your person, you still have to conjure at night.
Step 5
According to popular beliefs, you can dream of a stranger by performing rituals over water. It is believed that the water surface serves as a mirror for thoughts and, reflecting them, sends images to a distance to the addressee. At night, by the light of a candle, look at the surface of the water for a long time and think about this man. The power of thought has repeatedly proven its effect, and you will definitely achieve the desired result.
Step 6
If your desire to dream of a stranger outweighs common sense, then seek help from a professional sorceress. With magical rituals and the attraction of cosmic energy, she will surely make your dream come true.