How To Quickly Attract The Attention Of A Stranger

How To Quickly Attract The Attention Of A Stranger
How To Quickly Attract The Attention Of A Stranger

Which of the ladies is not familiar with the situation when suddenly an unfamiliar man meets on the way, who immediately arouses interest? However, the fair sex is often lost and do not know what to do in such a case. There are little female tricks, thanks to which you do not miss the chance to meet an interesting man.

How to quickly attract the attention of a stranger
How to quickly attract the attention of a stranger

An important (but not the only!) Factor of your success is impeccable appearance. You should always look like a winner of men's hearts. Women's confidence in her irresistibility is very attractive to most men!

So, a worthy man has come to your attention. You internally collect all your feminine energy into an imaginary ball of fire, recite to yourself the mantra "I am irresistible (options: mind-blowing, gorgeous, charming, exceptional, etc.), you are irresistible (also with options)", and try to get closer to this man.

Look at him and, if he catches your eye, hold him for 5-7 seconds. At the same time, a slight smile should play on your lips. At this time, mentally release a "fireball" at the man. Then slowly, as if reluctantly, look away. After a while, look again. If a man, having caught the outgoing vibes, is interested, he himself will try not to miss the moment. You should look friendly and ready to talk.

Find an opportunity to speak so that he hears your voice. Try to have a velvety voice in low tones. Turn to the man with some harmless request or question, depending on the situation.

If a conversation ensues, do not drag it out and try not to talk about yourself, listen more. You must remain a mystery for a man to want to meet you again.

To gain confidence, train whenever possible: on the street, on public transport, in the theater … The main thing is not to despair and not to lower self-esteem if the stranger does not make contact. Surely he has good reasons for this. Remember that you are irresistible and your right is to bestow your attention on anyone, without demanding anything in return!
