Being a parent is a wonderful opportunity, and it also implies a certain responsibility. But if motherhood is an almost indisputable fact, then sometimes doubts arise about paternity, which genetic examination can most accurately resolve.

How to properly carry out the preparatory stage
If you decide to carry out such a procedure, you need to stock up on official documents: a passport, a medical card, a birth certificate of a minor child and an insurance policy. Consider financial possibilities, since the cost of a genetic examination is at least twenty thousand rubles and depends on the prices of your chosen medical institution. The processing of the results takes about a month, if you do not make an additional payment for the urgency.
Biological material should also be obtained. The clinic staff can assist you in this, but often you have to do this collection yourself - if you cannot take the child for the procedure or go there yourself. Then they will explain to you how to proceed with the help of remote communication. Suitable samples include, for example, the epithelium on the inner side of the cheek, blood, hair with a preserved bulb and recently trimmed nails. In the case of a negative answer, the probability of the test is 100%, and in case of a positive result - 99.9%.
Establishing the paternity of an unborn child
There is a possibility of establishing paternity even when the baby has not yet been born. At the same time, the accuracy of the expert opinion remains practically unchanged, decreasing by insignificant hundredths. The procedures prescribed for the study differ at different stages of pregnancy. The main ones can be: taking blood from the umbilical cord, examining a sample of amniotic fluid and biopsy of the fetal membrane.
However, here one cannot do without the mother's consent, because it is she who will have to endure the inconveniences associated with medical examinations. The likelihood of damage to the fetus and harm to the female body is low, but it is present. That is why it is recommended to postpone such manipulations until the birth of the child.
What is it for
Such radical measures to establish the truth are sometimes needed by a man to feel confident in himself, his family and offspring. Sometimes these factors are supplemented with expedient reasons and real grounds that give rise to doubts about the loyalty of your half.
But there is also an official need to carry out the DNA of the text - within the framework of court proceedings. At the same time, the alleged father should not refuse the examination - otherwise, in accordance with part 2 of Article 79 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, "if a party refuses to participate in the examination, the court has the right to recognize the fact, for the clarification of which the examination was appointed, established or refuted." Likewise, a potential father has the right to demand that the mother of the child establish the truth in court. It is important that only the expertise ordered by the court will entail legal consequences. If you chose a medical institution arbitrarily, the court will not take into account its conclusion.