Institutions with the proud name "development center", it would seem, should be different from ordinary educational ones. And they differ … Mainly, in the prices for the services provided. In general, their programs for working with children correspond to those implemented in public institutions of preschool and out-of-school education. But in most of these institutions there is at least one qualitative difference from general educational institutions: offering a fairly wide range of services, they to a greater or lesser extent retain their specialization, i.e. focused on certain activities with certain groups of children.

It is possible to formulate a not very strict, but, nevertheless, a clear classification of the centers of child development according to several criteria. Among such signs, first of all, one can name the age of the target groups of children, which can be Dosadov, preschool and school age.
Programs for working with children of a dosadov age are mainly focused on teaching children self-service, instilling in them the simplest skills of interaction and communication with peers and adults, familiarizing them with the peculiarities of life in a society other than a family.
For children of preschool age, the formation of such skills that will provide them with an easier transition to school education comes to the fore. These kinds of skills can be subdivided into interactive, cognitive, and self-control skills. The main emphasis here is on the development of the general and linguistic abilities of the child, the development of his creative and cognitive activity. Also, children of this age are taught basic ethical concepts such as "friendship", "mutual assistance", "respect", etc.
For schoolchildren, development centers can offer a variety of programs that the child can choose with their parents, without being constrained by strict time frames and compulsory curriculum. Firstly, it can be a wide variety of hobby groups, sports sections, specialized training programs, etc. Secondly, such centers offer children additional or advanced classes in the subjects of the compulsory school curriculum. Some centers may also offer tutoring and preparation for high school age children for the USE.
The second important criterion by which one can classify child development centers is the specialization and adaptation of their programs for children with various physical and mental characteristics, as well as the appropriate qualifications of the teaching staff of the institution. For not quite healthy children, it can be special complexes of physical exercises, developed taking into account the child's specific illness, for children with distinctive mental properties, it can be classes on the child's social adaptation in the form of trainings, role-playing games, psychological assistance to the child and his family, if necessary - work with a speech therapist, etc.
Similar programs can be developed for the so-called gifted children. Unfortunately, they have much more in common with children, in some ways flawed, than with "prosperous", "normal". And the main problem for them is not the speedy development of special abilities, which they can manifest in early childhood. It just often happens that this particular category of children receives the least of the usual parental love, affection and care. It is to them that excessive demands are made, often unbearable for them. Hence, emotional lability, feelings of alienation, incomprehension, loneliness, physical and mental exhaustion, and much more, which can lead to very serious mental disorders. Therefore, along with programs for the development of special abilities, social and psychological adaptation is put at the forefront for such children, which will allow them to become truly talented, harmonious, full-fledged people.
There are other criteria for the classification of child development centers, but their description is beyond the scope of one article. Be that as it may, when deciding to send a child to this or that educational institution, one should not be guided by advertising, praise from its official website and "intimate" conversations with the director. Read the messages about this RRC on parenting forums, talk with the pupils, familiarize yourself with all the regulatory documents governing its activities, consult with independent teachers and psychologists. Attend an “open house” and open events held in any UVD, after all, ask your child if he wants to be within the walls of this institution, and only then make a final decision.