Popular Mistakes Parents Make

Popular Mistakes Parents Make
Popular Mistakes Parents Make

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Despite the abundance of different parenting methods, parents can make common mistakes. Try to avoid them so that you and your child are happier and your relationship stronger.

Popular mistakes parents make
Popular mistakes parents make


Step 1

Demand complete and unconditional obedience from the child. Thus, you oppress his personality and do not teach critical thinking. Think about who you want to raise, a person or a robot, a strong person or an obedient soldier. Argument your decisions to the child, reinforce the requirements to obey the agreements and rules.

Step 2

To forbid too much. If the child is not allowed something, explain why, what the consequences may be. Better to show how you can do it, not how it is forbidden. For example, you cannot draw on wallpaper, but you can use an album. If the kid really wants to draw on a vertical surface, then you can hang a roll of paper or old wallpaper on the wall, let him draw on them. Try to prohibit only truly dangerous actions, such as playing with sharp objects and approaching the stove. When there are too many inhibitions, the child ceases to perceive them.

Step 3

Not to teach, but to demand. For example, it is time for your child to dress independently by age. You give him things and tell him to put them on, motivating this by the fact that you have worn him many times, and he had to remember the algorithm. But you need to act like this: first, dress the baby, saying what you are doing, then do it together, helping the child, then he dresses himself, and you follow and, if necessary, prompt. Only when you are convinced that the skill is vaccinated do you leave the baby alone with the task.

Step 4

Be fickle. It is clear that both circumstances and mood change, people are not automatons and are different on different days. But with regard to the principles of raising a child, there must be constancy. If today something is not allowed, but tomorrow it is allowed, or when mom prohibits, and dad allows, this can destabilize the child and take away his sense of security and safety. This feeling comes from the constancy of the parents.

Step 5

Develop talents and skills, not character. It is on personal qualities that emphasis must be placed, and knowledge can be learned at any age. In addition, it will be easier for a patient, persistent and confident child to comprehend any subject and be creative.

Step 6

Take care only of the feelings of the child. It is necessary not only to protect his soul, but also to monitor the correctness of his behavior. If during a walk a child takes away a toy from another, and the mother allows this so that the baby does not cry, this is wrong. When the behavior becomes like that, it needs to be corrected, rather than thinking about the feelings. Imagine how the baby will grow up if you continue in the same spirit. He will think that everyone owes him.

Step 7

Scold for the mess. First, check to see if your child has too many toys. Maybe because of their dominance, the baby cannot maintain order. Make sure that each item in the nursery has its own place, that the baby knows about it, and that all toys are easy to return to it. Pay attention to yourself: whether you yourself put all things in their places, whether you keep order or clean up from time to time.
