Unfortunately, baby carriages sometimes break down. Wheels fail most often. I don't want to buy a new stroller because of such a breakdown, so the parents are trying to fix the situation in some other way. But not everyone will be able to fix a wheel from a stroller on their own.

There are not so many workshops for the repair of baby strollers, where it would be possible to repair a wheel that has become unusable. In some localities they simply do not exist. Parents willy-nilly have to try to carry out repairs on their own.
First you need to determine the cause of the malfunction. Most often, this can be a punctured chamber and a deflation of a wheel. Such a wheel must be removed by pressing the lever in its center. After pressing, the wheel easily slides off the axle. To reach and inspect the camera, you first need to remove the tire. If there is no visible damage, they must be found - this can be done in different ways.
How to fix a punctured wheel
The camera must be inflated and lowered into a basin of water - bubbles will come out of the punctured place. We take out the camera, mark the punctures with a marker. You can do it differently - lather the surface and see where the soap bubbles. When the puncture site is established, we proceed with the repair.
Cut out a patch from a piece of rubber. The surfaces must be degreased before gluing - for example, they can be wiped off with gasoline. After that, the puncture site and the patch must be greased with glue and left alone for about half an hour. Then the patch, which has already grabbed a little with the place of gluing, must be properly warmed up and pressed with a press. You can inflate the camera in about a day.
If you still do not want to mess around with gluing yourself, you can try to contact any tire service.
Other damage
It is extremely rare, but a breakdown such as damage to the bushing can also occur. Under certain pressure, the hub on which the wheel rests can break or deform. Poor quality material may be to blame for this. It happens that the sleeve wears off a little - because the wheels are often removed to wash, and then put back on. In this case, the wheel begins to "slip" when the stroller moves, and it becomes not very convenient to roll it.
In the stores of spare parts for strollers, you can find the sleeve you need, in extreme cases you need to look among your friends for a turner who will undertake to grind one.
If the wheel is deformed, it should not be repaired, even when it seems possible. The wheel rim may be bent or the disc is broken. With a broken disk, everything is clear - plastic cannot be restored. If the rim of the wheel is metal, when curving it, they try to bend it to its previous position. But it is better to buy a new wheel - it is unlikely that it will be possible to restore the damaged one to its previous ideal shape.