Many mothers try to keep breastfeeding as long as possible. They know that for how long the baby drinks breast milk, his immunity in the future directly depends. Therefore, even if it seems that the baby does not have enough breast milk, it is better to leave mixed feeding than completely switch to artificial formula.

Step 1
To establish milk production, give as much attention as possible to breastfeeding during the first 30 hours after the baby is born. Check for correct attachment so that the baby grasps the entire nape of the breast. If necessary, help the baby by holding the nipple. Spend as much time with your baby as possible during this period. Hold the baby for 2 minutes at each breast, so transfer it up to 12 times per feed. This will allow the baby to get the fattest and healthiest milk from the breast, which can be collected in 2 minutes while he sucks on the other breast.
Step 2
Drink as much liquid as possible. Milk and kefir, tea and herbal teas, natural juices and compotes have a good effect on increasing lactation. Control the sugar content of your drink. An excessive amount of sweets will lead to weight gain. Drink tea (preferably green) with milk.
Step 3
Feed your baby at least 3 times at night. This will help increase the amount of milk arriving.
Step 4
Rest for as long as possible to maintain breastfeeding. Leave most of the housework to close relatives. Let the father walk with the baby sleeping in the stroller. While he is walking down the street, sleep for an hour and a half. Sleep is essential for milk to stay. Establish a queue with the baby's father to get up to the baby at night.
Step 5
Take a walk in the fresh air for an hour before going to bed.
Step 6
Massage your breasts. Use your fingers to stroke towards the center of the nipple. This irritates the breast receptors, they begin to produce milk. As soon as there are drops of milk, start feeding the baby.
Step 7
Do not give your baby a nipple bottle even to give him boiled water. It is easier for the baby to draw liquid from the nipple, so there is a danger that he will give up the breast. Give your newborn baby some water and juice from a small spoon.
Step 8
After doing your best and never seeing improvement, see your doctor for advice on what needs to be done specifically in your situation.