Obligation, reliability and punctuality are those qualities that you invariably want to see in your partner. But, unfortunately, not everyone is lucky, and often someone suffers from the fact that, for example, his beloved or beloved is constantly late. Moreover, such a person practically does not experience the pangs of conscience and believes that the phrase “I can’t do anything with myself” fully justifies it.

Step 1
First, try to talk to such a person and explain that standing, propping up the walls, waiting for him, no one likes, that everyone has plans for their personal time and that waiting is not included in them. True, there is no one hundred percent guarantee that the words will have any educational meaning - he must have heard them more than once.
Step 2
Try a more reliable way than raising an uneducated person. Choose a strategy that will be more comfortable for you and will allow you to be nervous, but not for long, and not abandon your plans. With such a strategy, it will not be you who will suffer in this situation, but the one who is late. You will not force him to change his character, just create unfavorable situations for him in which he will find himself due to his own lack of collection.
Step 3
If you are going on a trip with friends, then warn him that you will not wait for him for more than 10 minutes. And keep your promise. He will turn out not to be the prince everyone is waiting for, even though they swear, but an ordinary person in a hurry and forced to catch up with someone. Even psychologically, the situation is changing - he ceases to be in the spotlight and subconsciously feels forgotten and abandoned. And the blame for everything is his lateness.
Step 4
If you have agreed to go to the cinema or theater and the tickets are in your hands, do not wait for it. A great reason for this is the third call. Go to the auditorium and calmly enjoy the acting, because of his habit, he will have to sneak into his seat by buying an additional ticket.
Step 5
If he's late for a date, cut back on your time together. Just say that you have an urgent event planned later, for example, you promised to visit a sick relative, friend or neighbor. The fact that you did not communicate much will be to blame for him and his lack of punctuality.
Step 6
Such an impact is the most effective for an adult who cannot be taught with words. When the person himself does not consider it necessary to work hard and change himself so as not to cause inconvenience to others, you yourself can reduce these inconveniences to a minimum, even if you cause discontent.