How To Forget How To Be Jealous

How To Forget How To Be Jealous
How To Forget How To Be Jealous

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When the heart is worried about mistrust and often unfounded suspicions in relation to the closest person, something needs to be done. It is necessary to defeat this annoying and hated companion named "Jealousy".

How to forget how to be jealous
How to forget how to be jealous


Step 1

Think about the times when you get jealous. Try to find the reasons for jealousy, understand them and influence situations in accordance with the conclusions made. For example, when jealousy comes at the moment of communication of a loved one with the opposite sex, you need to stop yourself with a pre-made conclusion - a laconic thoughtful phrase. Such a phrase can become: "this is ordinary human communication and nothing more."

Step 2

Psychologists argue that answers to many questions related to behavior must be found in childhood. In the family, the child wants to be the most loved. It is difficult for him to believe that parents love all their children equally. In a family with several children, a spirit of healthy competition could be the basis for the further development of jealousy. In adulthood, this is manifested by rivalry in paired relationships. For example, when one is more successful and successful, then the second begins to think that all representatives of the opposite sex will begin to be interested in his half. In this case, take care of yourself, your career, find an interesting hobby, increase your self-esteem and become interesting to your loved one.

Step 3

Give your partner emotional attention and spend as much time as possible. This method is suitable if you are more successful and ruthlessly jealous of your soul mate, although your behavior is dominated by the usual fear of losing your favorite "toy".

Step 4

In most cases, jealousy is just imagination. To forget how to be jealous, just stop fantasizing about this topic. In addition, pay less attention to the stories of girlfriends and friends about the life of other couples, about their betrayal and jealousy. Do not let articles and stories of the media, movies about marital infidelity into your relationship. Don't assume that a person is inherently polygamous. Do not think that jealousy is an indispensable "attribute" of adult relationships, even if for you it is considered the norm learned from childhood.

Step 5

Be sure to trust your soul mate, because your union is voluntary. If there is any lack of agreement in the relationship, discuss it and set a framework, especially if you are not married yet.
