What Is The Best Age To Marry

What Is The Best Age To Marry
What Is The Best Age To Marry

No family psychologist will give clear recommendations about the best age to marry. If he is a true professional, then he will answer that the age of the spouses is much less important than the strength of the feelings that arose between them. And how real they are - only time will tell. That is why you should not rush to the wedding at any age.

The best age for marriage - does it exist

Most family psychologists are suspicious of early marriage. Usually the decision to marry or marry at the age of eighteen or twenty-one is made under the influence of the first strong emotions caused by the hormonal changes in the body preceding this age. As soon as the hormones return to normal, young people understand that they took love and passion for a real feeling. And we were too hasty with the wedding. If they did not have time to have children, the divorce happens quickly and by mutual agreement. But children, when such couples break up, often find themselves in the care of grandmothers, while young mothers and fathers re-arrange their personal lives.

There are exceptions to all the rules, and sometimes early marriages are very happy. Therefore, you should not blindly trust the statistics, it is better to rely on your own feelings for your partner.

Psychologists consider the optimal age interval for a strong marriage to be from twenty-four to thirty-two years. At these end of this time period, most men and women are already ready for family life. They understand that being together is a big responsibility. They are willing to make compromises for the sake of a loved one. At the same time, at this age, sexual activity in many reaches its peak, and the husband and wife know how to please each other. In addition, this period is ideal for the birth of children. Mom and Dad are still quite young, but at the same time they are already quite serious and responsible. And they earn enough to ensure a happy existence for their children.

You should not listen to older relatives who insist that it is time to get married or get married. This decision needs to be made only personally, after realizing that at the moment the wedding is really needed.

After thirty-two years, people who have not previously married risk being left alone. They value their freedom too much and do not really want to let outsiders into their personal space. However, at thirty-five, and at forty, and even at fifty and more years there is a chance to meet true love, which will take possession of the mind and heart.

How to know when it's time to get married

It is better to determine readiness for a wedding not by age, but by how close and dear a loved one is. If feelings are strong and time-tested and both have a clear desire to be together, you can safely apply to the registry office. And if even the smallest doubts creep in, it is better to postpone the wedding, taking a closer look at your partner and listening to yourself.
