For a young man, marriage is the beginning of adult life according to all its canons and rules. This is the acceptance of great responsibility not only for your personality, but also for the fate of your wife and children. Therefore, it is necessary to marry when the young man is already mature enough for such responsibility.

Step 1
The ideal age for marriage is different for everyone. Someone, at the age of 18, is ripe for a serious relationship and is ready to make a proposal to his beloved. And yet, in most cases, it turns out that a man who gets married early then begins to experience discomfort from the loss of his freedom, the lack of permanent relationships with friends, the many restrictions that family and marriage impose on him. Ultimately, this can lead to family problems, a crisis for a man and even divorce.
Step 2
The modern structure of society is such that very young people still have few financial opportunities, and there are enough temptations to spend their youth violently and cheerfully. Studying at school until the age of 18, then the institute and the army extend the age of entry of a young person into the adult period to 22-23 years. But even this age in society is considered too early for marriage, because you still need to start a career, earn your first money, learn to provide for yourself, and not live with your parents.
Step 3
In addition, the huge opportunities for entertainment in the big city push back the date of marriage for a while. Do you really want to shift the burden of responsibility on yourself when there is a cheerful company of friends and you can lead an interesting, eventful life without thinking about serious things? All this leaves its mark on the personality of a young man, showing in him signs of immaturity and unpreparedness for marriage, even after adulthood.
Step 4
But time passes, and a man begins to think more about a career and creating a serious relationship. This period usually starts at the age of 24 or 25. It was at this time that important changes take place at the hormonal level, allowing the man's body to enter a more measured and calm period of life. However, for each young person, everything is very individual and can begin earlier or slightly later than this age. If at this age a man meets a girl with whom he wants to build a serious relationship, after a while such a relationship leads to marriage. And such a union will be more deliberate and desirable than when marrying up to 20 years.
Step 5
The most comfortable age for marriage is considered to be the age of 30-35. This is the period when a young man begins to turn into a real man. He is in his prime, but at the same time he already knows a lot, he is experienced and managed to take place in his career, he is confident in himself and has many plans for life. At this age, men become excellent fathers and give their children an excellent upbringing. If before this age a man has not yet managed to find his beloved woman, then this is the best time to start looking, and with a specific purpose - getting married and starting a family.